A Long Night (Part 1)

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Your View
I heard my alarm go off. I rolled over and clumsily turned it off. I have to say my head hurts a bit. I sighed.
"Come on, (f/n), it's time to get up." And with that I sat up and stretched. I got out of bed and went through my regular morning routine. When I came downstairs I looked at the calendar hanging in the kitchen.
Today's the day I was going to go over to Russia's house to watch movies with him. I smiled at the thought of the fun we'll have. Eating popcorn, laughing, snuggling close together, kissing...
I blushed at that last one. I shook my head and continued with my morning.

~Time Skip~
Russia and I arrived at his house. We both got out of the car and proceeded inside. He led me through plenty of hallways till we reached the door of his living room. Soon we both got ourselves comfortable on the couch. Russia looked down to me and put his arm around me, hugging me closer.
"Are you ready to start the movie?" He asked with his usual smile. I held the popcorn bowl on my lap and smiled back to him.
"Let's get started." I said. Then Russia clicked the start button.

~Time Skip~
The movie Russia had chosen was one of those spy-team movies where all the characters don't survive but they complete the mission. It was pretty good. During all the scary scenes I buried myself into Russia's chest and he simply held me close. He occasionally cooed some words of comfort. It was great, except... my headache wasn't going away.
Once the movie finished, it felt like my head was about to burst open. And yet, I still didn't want Russia to notice. I got up and stretched my legs a bit. I then started heading towards the door.
"Where are you going?" Asked Russia from the couch. I turned to him and said,
"Just to get a drink, do you want one?" He shook his head and said that he was fine.
I closed the door behind me and walked down the hall till I arrived at the kitchen. Once inside I slid to the ground. I'm starting to feel really dizzy. I got up and went to the cupboard. I tried to reach for a glass but it was too high. I jumped a bit to get at it but failed.
"Need a little help, my little sunflower?" said a voice from behind me. I knew it was Russia. He reached up and easily brought the cup down. "Here you are." he said as he handed me a cup.
"Thanks." I said as I went over to the sink and filled the cup. I took a sip of the water and closed my eyes.
"Are you feeling well my sunflower?" asked Russia with an anxious voice. I opened my eyes and saw a worried expression painted on his face. I sighed and said,
"It's nothing," I placed the cup down. I started walking towards him as I said, "I just feel a bit-" And then everything went black. 

Russia's View
I had a strange feeling that something wasn't right, that's why I followed her to the kitchen. But I had no idea that this would happen. In slow motion her eyes widened and she fell to the ground. I just barely managed to catch her.
"(F/n)!" I cried while giving her a little shake. She lay quite limp in my arms. I looked towards her face and saw no indication that she was waking up. I held her close and tried to wake her up. I felt tears beginning to fall from my eyes as I held her warm body close to mine.  

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