Hello World Chaos

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Your View
Russia and I spent the entire second day together. It was the best. We went to boutiques and all sorts of stores. I did plenty of shopping and got plenty of souvenirs. I even managed to get something for Russia without him noticing.
For lunch we went to a small restaurant in town. The food was fantastic. Afterwards we went to a nearby park to enjoy our ice cream.
At one we returned to the hotel. Russia did some work while I took a nap. This medication is just exhausting. When I woke up a couple of hours later I heard Russia on the phone. I listened for a bit. Even though I couldn't quite hear the words, I could still understand that Russia seemed a bit annoyed. When he was done talking, I sat up in bed and began to stretch a bit. Just then Russia walked into the room. He looked at me and chuckled. He sat on the edge of the bed and gave me a kiss.
"Good morning sunflower," He said. I smiled.
"Good morning Russia," I said. He looked at me and smiled.
"Sunflower," he said. "Would you like to go to a party tonight?" I beamed.
"Sure," I answered. His smile grew wider. "What kind of party will it be?"
"A gathering of some of the Axis and Allies, along with a few other countries here for the meeting." He replied.
Now I felt really excited. I was finally going to meet some of the other countries, besides those who worked for Russia. This is going to be fun.

~Time Skip~
I felt really nervous. I wore a casual dress and of course the necklace Russia had given me. We arrived right on time at the bar that the group had rented for the night. Russia held my hand as we entered. It was a good sized gathering of nations. As we walked over to the bar I saw a lot of interesting characters.
There was a Spanish man with a blond Frenchman and an albino, all of them laughing and drinking to their hearts content.
A man with brown hair and glasses was busy talking with an annoyed blond. They both had girls hanging on their arms. The blond one had another blond girl, who could've been his sister. The glasses man had a very happy and confident brunette with him. Both girls were happily talking with each other.
A tall blond German was standing talking to two Italians and a shy Japanese man. The German had quite the serious expression while the Japanese man was unreadable. One of the Italians seemed very carefree while the other seemed mad.
As we reached the bar and began to order, I heard shouting. Looking in the direction it came from, I saw a very angry British man with strange eyebrows fuming at something the blond American had said. As the two continued, the American's eyes locked with mine.
"Whoa! Who's the hot dudette?!" He shouted pointing at me. I think I had a miniature heart attack. I felt a blush come over my face as many of the countries looked in my direction. The loud American bounded over to me. He flashed a winning grin and said,
"Have no fear the Hero's here! And now that I have arrived I-" He got cut off by the British man elbowing him. He looked at me and smiled.
"Sorry about this idiot, love." He said pointing to the annoyed America. He took my hand and gave me a firm shake as he said, "The name is Arthur Kirkland, but please call me England." He gave a slight bow. I smiled.
"It's nice to meet you England, I'm-" Now I was cut off by the American.
"No fair, dude, I saw her first!"
"Get off you bloody git, she deserves a gentleman." The two began to argue once more. Now the other countries came and started introducing themselves to me, but that only resulted in more chaos.
France tried to introduce himself and start a conversation when he was interrupted by Prussia, and the two started arguing. Spain tried to get to me too but Romano grabbed him by the collar. Romano then began to yell at him in another language. Germany gave me a short greeting before going off to try and tear Prussia and France apart. Italy, China, and Japan introduced themselves and I finally managed to introduce myself.
"Is it always like this?" I pointed to the various forms of chaos.
"More or less, aru," answered China. Japan nodded his head in agreement.
"So-a," Italy said. "What's a pretty bella like-a you doing-a here?"
"I came with my boyfriend." Once I said that the chaos in the room stopped. I soon found myself bombarded with questions.
"Is-a he nice?" Italy asked. I nodded.
"Does he like stuffed animals, aru?" China asked. I answered as best as I could.
"Is he a gentleman to a young lady like you, love?" Asked England. I responded that he was.
"Oui, there are none who can compete with me," stated France. "Why don't you just come with me and I'll-"
Just then a hand grabbed his shoulder, and a very menacing aura came with it. It was Russia.
"What were you saying France?" He asked while wearing his signature scary smile. France swallowed and seemed to be terrified. He stayed silent for another moment, before Russia let go saying, "Good answer."
Russia walked over to me and handed me my water.
"For you my sunflower." He said. I thanked him with a smile. He proceeded to put his arm around me and hugged me closer to him. Russia then turned to the others and said, "I would like for you all to meet my sunflower (f/n)."
The other nations stared at us in shock. Soon I heard a small voice say,
"A scary guy... gets a... girl like-like that... and I just..." It was France. He looked quite pale. As did a good deal of the other nations.

A/N: Finally got to the other countries (Yay!)  

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