Blinding Tears

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I felt myself curled up on a hard surface. I began to stir and sat up. Soon, I ventured to open my eyes.
A blinding white was what had greeted me. It stung my eyes. I shut them quickly. Slowly opening them once more, I began to look around.
The room appeared to be all white. There wasn't even a window to be seen. I turned and saw a door. I walked up to it. It was open enough for me to hear others talking outside of it. I peeked through.
Standing out in a white hall was Switzerland, Germany, Hungary, and... Russia. Each looked exhausted, but Russia... he looked terrible. He looked so depressed. His eyes were puffy and red, his hair was a mess too. They seemed to be waiting in awkward silence. This was soon broken by the approach of two males that I recognized as being Joseph and Leo. They ran up to Russia.
"Where is she?" Joseph said. He was panting a bit. I saw Leo was too. Both had messy hair and puffy eyes. Hungary looked at them and said,
"You must be the friends of (f/n)." They both nodded. "She's in this room," she said motioning to the room I was in. "But she hasn't woken up yet."
"How's her condition?" Joseph asked. Switzerland answered this time.
"You'd best look for yourselves." The group began to head towards the door. I moved out of the way as they opened the door.
"Hey guys could-" I tried to say, but no one would even look at me. I waved my hand in front of Hungary, but she walked on. I called to Joseph and Leo and got no reaction.
"Russia..." I said as I reached out towards him. Then something shocking happened.
He walked right through my hand. I pulled back in horror. I watched as they walked to the other end of the room. Germany pulled back on a white curtain that I hadn't noticed before. I soon saw Russia sit beside the bed there. I gasped. I saw myself lying on that bed.
"Dear god..." was all Joseph said, and I couldn't have agreed more. My face had a few scratches on it. There was one of those breathing masks covering my mouth and nose. My left arm was in a cast. Same with my left leg. I saw tubes connected to me and other machines and things. I even saw a heart monitor.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.I could now hear and see the machine, mimicking my heart. That beeping was the only thing to be heard for what seemed like eternity. But soon the silence was broken by Joseph.
"How?" was all he managed to choke out. Germany sighed and said.
"A hit unt run," Leo looked at him and signed something. Joseph translated for him.
"Who did this?" He said as fresh tears began to coat his face.
"A voman by zhe name of Belarus." Germany answered.
"Will... will she be okay?" Joseph asked. I could not only hear, but see the fear on his face.
"The doctors aren't too sure," Switzerland stated. I felt scared now. He soon continued, "She has some internal bleeding here and there along with a broken leg and arm. Nothing serious but..." His voice trailed off.
"It's her heart isn't it?" Joseph said. There was a bitter tone in his voice. Switzerland nodded. Hungary then continued,
"Her heart stopped after the car hit, we managed to get it going again but, according to the doctors, her heart suffered a lot of stress."
"That must've caused damage." Joseph said in a quiet voice. Hungary gave a sad nod. Leo began to sob a bit into his hands. Joseph put his hand over his eyes. He knew exactly what I knew.
I probably wasn't long for this world. Russia soon spoke up, his voice sounded awful as he asked,
"Where is Zane?" I then realized that Zane wasn't here. I looked around the room but could not find the lively male. I heard Leo's sobs become louder. Even Joseph began to weep more. I hadn't seen him cry this much since... Oh god... No... There's no way...
"He's dead," was all Joseph said in a choked voice. Everyone's eyes widened.
"Mien Gott." Germany muttered. Hungary hugged Leo. Switzerland covered his mouth. Russia stared wide eyed. I felt pain in my chest as I collapsed to the ground. The pain was too much.
Beep.Beep.Beep.Beep.Beep.Beep.Beep.Beep.I heard the heart monitor go crazy. My vision became hazy once more as darkness enveloped me. I heard the fading voices and shouts of those in the room. Soon the sound of rushed footsteps joined the chaos. I felt my body go limp, as the voices faded into nothingness.
"Come on (f/n), we're waiting." I heard a familiar voice say as I lost consciousness.  

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