Happy New Year

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A/N: Happy New Year everyone! I hope you have a fantastic start to the new year. I plan on writing more stories this year. I hope that this year will be better than the last for all of us! :)

3rd Person's View
Flashing back to the previous chapter, the party had broken up around 4 in the morning. America had to drag both a religion-debating England and a passed out drunk France to the hotel. Germany was dragging both Spain and Prussia (who were ridiculously drunk) out the still broken door. Italy had to push his sleepy and grumpy older brother out the door as well.
Since China and Japan were the only ones remotely sober and were safe drivers they each drove the others back to the hotels.

~Time Skip to New Year's Eve~
Your View
The fire was roaring warmly and brightly in the fire place. I snuggled up close to Russia as he wrapped the two of us in a warm blanket. I felt him bring me closer to him, till my head was resting on his chest. I could feel the steady rhythm of his breathing.
All was so peaceful in the mansion. I looked up towards the clock.
"Russia," I said. He looked at me with a smile on his face. I leaned closer to his face and kissed him lightly on the cheek. "Happy New Year." He chuckled.
"Счастливый подсолнечник Новый Год (Happy New Year sunflower)" He said as he tucked a stray hair behind my ear. He began giving me butterfly kisses. He began caressing my back with one hand while the other held my hand.
After a little time had passed he stood up. He then picked me up and began to carry me to the bedroom. I blushed a bit. I still couldn't get over the shock of becoming engaged. Nor the fact that I was now living with Russia.
After he proposed, he decided to move all my stuff to his mansion. He said that now that we were engaged it would be alright. I didn't really mind it, but I didn't think he'd get all my stuff into the mansion in just a few days. I still feel bad for the Baltics, who did most of the work.
When I had tried to help them, Russia would appear out of no where, pick me up, and take me off some where to spend time with him.
I was pulled out of my thoughts by Russia gently setting me down on the bed.
"Wait a moment," He said. I smiled and nodded.
He pulled the blankets back and took his sweater off, tossing it onto a nearby chair. He then hung his scarf on a hook. He soon did what he has been doing for the past few nights.
He carefully took me into his arms and sat on the bed. He fixed his position so that he was now nestled in a mountain of pillows with me sitting in his lap, leaning on his chest. He would then pull the blankets around the two of us while wrapping his arms around my body.
I placed my head in the crook of his neck, while he rested his head on top of mine.
He closed his eyes and soon started to hum a Russian lullaby. It was so soothing. He once more began caressing my back and rubbing my hand with his thumb. I couldn't help but be lulled to sleep.

Russia's View
I felt my sunflower relax under my touch. I opened my eyes and glanced down.
I could see the steady rising and falling of her chest, signifying that she had fallen asleep. I shifted her body a bit so that I now I could see her peaceful face.
I could not help but gently nuzzle her and cuddle her. My sunflower is the cutest thing in the world.
I looked down at her once more as I felt her shift in my arms.
She soon curled up against my chest while holding one of my hands. It allowed me to see the ring I had given her. I felt so much happiness from seeing her wearing that ring, but it also made want to protect her even more.
I lifted her ring baring hand to my lips.
"Мой подсолнечника (My sunflower), Вы делаете меня таким счастливым (you make me so happy)."  

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