To Hunt or To Eat and Play

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Hm, I hope Gon and Killu-nii make it. I can tell that Illu-chan doesn't want Killu to pass but wants to know if he's okay. I wish I could help him out. I don't know how to, though. I sighed as I looked at the cards I was holding. I got a bad lot. We all turned over out cards and I surprisingly won. I wonder how that happened.

"Cheer up Angel-chan!" said Hisoka smiling at me. "Your little friends will be here soon."

I sighed as I looked around. There was only a minute left.

A door opened and the speaker came on, "Kurapika, applicant #404, is twentieth to pass. Killua, applicant #99, is twenty-first to pass. Gon, applicant #405, is twenty-second to pass."

I turned to Illu and Hiso-nii and said, "I win!" while I turned my cards over revealing a royal flush before getting up and running to Gon and Killu.

"Gon! Killua!" I shouted running up to them and glomping them. "You took too long. What happened?"

Then Lerorio and Tompa show up trying to push each other out of the way so that they could be first to pass.

"Ohhh, I see," I said as soon as I saw them.

Killua looked at me with a knowing face while Gon just looked confused.

"What do you mean by that Angel-chan?" Gon asked.

Killua just looked at him while I kinda tried to ignore the question.

"So, how did you get down here?" asked Killu-nii.

"Hisoka fell through a trap door while he was carrying me. Baka. We ended up taking a path where we had to fall down a hole and there was a bunch of prisoners who were way too easy to beat and, yeah! We got down here first!" I said trying to tell them what happened but I'm usually really bad at stuff like that so I'm not sure if they got it.

"That sounds so cool!" said Gon.

"I know right!" I said. "But it was kind of boring because the prisoners were way to easy to beat."

"Really?" Gon said. "We had to face a bunch of prisoners too and they were hard to beat."

"Cool! I wish I went with you guys." I said.

"Yeah. That would have been so fun!" exclaimed Gon. "We went down the majority rules path and we had to keep choosing X and O to decide which way to go and Leorio bet 50 hours of our time and lost but that was okay because we got to stay in this really nice room and then we got to the end and there was a short path and a long path but we didn't have time to take the long path and we could only take 3 people on the short path so we chose the long path and chopped through the wall to get to the short path! It was super cool!"

"EH! I wish I went with you guys! Instead, I got the stupid path with Hisoka." I mumbled with tears in my eyes.

"Its okay Angel," said Killua. "Maybe we could team up for the next phase?"

I nodded and wiped my eyes. Suddenly I heard a door open. It was the one that led to the outside.

"YES! It's finally over. There was way too much waiting." I said excitedly as I raced to get outside.

Once all twenty-five of us had gathered outside Lippo came out. He had hair kinda like Gitta-kun's which made me laugh.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, congratulations on having escaped Trick Tower. Only the Fourth and Final Phases remain. The Fourth Phase will take pace over there." he said pointing behind him to a small island. "Zevil Island. Let us proceed," he snapped his fingers and someone came out rolling a small cart. "I will need you to draw lots to determine who will hunt and who will be hunted. In here are 25 numbered cards. In other words, your ID numbers are on the cards." I quickly grabbed my number from my shirt and hid it. "Now I need you each to draw a card in the order of which you exited the tower. Will the first person come forward?"

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