26. || how to make icons

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Okay so many of you asked how I had made my icons in the previous chapter, so I thought I'd give you a little tutorial. There's honestly not much to it; you just gotta experiment around with it until you get the look you want. But with that in mind, I'll show you how I had made my own.

Stydia Icon

i. Find a graphic background (see the instagram accounts in the Simple Tips chapter, or look some up on Google or Tumblr) and open it as the background in superimpose.

ii. I found the PNG off of sushis.pngs on instagram, but you can also make your own. Make sure to open that as the foreground. (I used a colorized style on the PNG before I uploaded it; I got the coloring on Polarr from weretutorials on instargram)

iii. Center it how you'd like and merge. Save and then you're done. (To get the look you really want, mix and match some backgrounds and different colorized styles if you'd like)

Kira Icon

i. Open a plain colored background, I used purple. Then, find a galaxy photo on Google and open it as the foreground. Mess around with the options under the transform tab (I used screen) until you get it the way you'd like. Merge.

ii. Open your PNG as the foreground (I also colorized this before hand on Polarr). Center and then merge once again.

iii. Open a crown PNG  ( I found mine on Google ) and mask around it. Then just center it on the head the way you'd like and save. Done.

Scott Icon

i. For this one, you just have to open the image as the background and then a random color you'd like as the foreground. Mess around with the options on screen until you get it the way you'd like (You can also use the gradients on the mask tab to mask around the faces so they stand out more)

ii. Merge and save. Done.

Allydia Icon + Marie

i. Either find a photo (I used the woods scene) and then colorize it as well on Polarr, or you can just find one already colorized. Open the PNG (also colorized) as the foreground.

ii. Place and center and merge. Save and you're done.

Stiles (b&w) Icon

i. Open the image as the background and a plain white one as the foreground. Turn the opacity all the way down for the white image.

ii. Go to Filter and mess around with the contrast and the black and white options. I made mine super dark, but make it however you'd like. Save.

Allison Blue, Allison Teal, and Stiles Purple Icons

i. These are all done the same as the Scott icon. Only I made sure to have the option set on screen and then masked around their faces so you could see it clearly.

So yeah, that's it. Just play around with it and you'll get what you want. I put some backgrounds above in case you wanted to use some. I got most of my inspriation from thecalavaras on instagram if you'd like some as well! I might make some more icons tonight, but I'm not sure yet. We'll see.

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