Do's and Don'ts

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Not sure about simple editing tips? Writing tips? Tips in general? Well, here's what I know and what I think you should and shouldn't do, not that they're all right of course. I'll be adding to this along the line so stay tuned. And of course, if you have questions, ask.


1; When making a book cover, always use the right size so that it fits the Wattpad covers. The Wattpad cover size is 2:3, so ALWAYS stick with that.

2; For better cover results, take your time. Don't rush or else you might not like the outcome.

3; EXPERIMENT! I cannot stress this enough. Don't just follow strict tutorials I give you guys, go out there and find some of your own images and other ideas and try them out. That's how I learned!

4; When writing, always go back and check your spelling and grammar and just everything in general. Nicer looking stories keeps people reading.

5; When putting titles on your covers, make sure they're eye pleasing. Don't smack them right in the middle where it's overlapping your face claim or other image; put it in a reasonable looking spot.

6; Use the highest quality photos you can find. Makes things look nicer.

7; I recommend to filter your PNG's with Polarr or another filter editing app; also makes thing look a lot nicer.

8; Use good fonts. I recommend to check out my fonts chapter or to find some other good ones, but make sure they're eye pleasing and look reasonable on your cover. Don't want to make it look sketchy or anything like that.

9; Try and keep to a color scheme. If you're not sure what that means or how to do that, just google some color schemes on google.


1; Never ever use bright neon colors on your covers. It's not eye pleasing to the viewer and might make them pass over your story because of that.

2; Don't cram too much on one cover. Keep it reasonably simple yet epic.

3; Never give up. Editing takes practice and skill, something you have to earn over practice.

4; Don't transform your PNG's to where they're smashed looking. I hate when I see that on people's covers; it makes it look sloppy and just out of place.

5; Don't use bright colored fonts either. Honestly, they give me eye spasms and trips me out, but that might just be me.

6; Keep your summary about your book short and sweet. Don't make it too long or too short and make sure not to give away too much. Keep the reader wanting more.

7; Don't slap a whole lot of layers/textures onto one image at random. Make sure they're pleasing and will stick to a color scheme and will please the eye.

This is just a start to the list; I'm sure I'll come up with some more along the line. Let me know if you want more advice on anything and I'll make sure to add it in there!

Book Cover TipsWhere stories live. Discover now