Meeting for the first time

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Dan: "Are you kidding me? Do I look invisible to you?" you nearly yelled as you felt your scorching hot coffee spill all over the front of your shirt. "I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking at where I was going," you heard the person apologize. You looked down at your now empty cup before sighing and looking up at the offender. He looked extremely guilty about what had just happened, and you now felt bad about yelling at him. "It's fine; I know you didn't mean to. I should've been paying more attention as well," you answered, a hint of a friendly smile on your face in hopes of making him feel less guilty. "Come on. I'll buy you a new coffee," he said. You shook your head, "You really don't have to." "No, I insist." You nodded in defeat; he was just as stubborn as you, but this time you didn't even bother trying to resist. After going back to the Starbucks you were just in and replacing your order, he looked over at you with a smile. "I never got your name." "Y/N," you answered simply, smiling as well. "It's nice to meet you, Y/N, though I wish it was in different circumstances. I'm Dan." You laughed slightly, nodding in agreement.

Phil: You hated being a waitress. One day you wouldn't have many customers, and the next you would be rushing trying to get everyone their orders before they became angry with you. Being clumsy didn't make matters any better; you couldn't even begin to count the number of times you've nearly tripped over yourself in your rush to serve people. Of course, today just wouldn't be your day. You woke up late and had to get ready in record time. You decided to take a taxi, but it took three different tries before one would stop for you. Upon arriving, the place was busy, and now this: you tripped over absolutely nothing, causing you to fall and take the dirty plates in your hands with you. "Are you okay?" someone asked, and you nodded, too embarrassed to look up. "Here let me help," the guy said, bending down and picking up the surprisingly intact plates up off the ground. He stood back up and held his hand out to help you up as well. "Thank you," you said quietly while looking at him for the first time. He smiled at you as he handed you back the plates. "I'm Phil," he said. "Y/N," you answered, smiling for what was probably the first time the entire day. "If you want, we can go for a walk after you get off?" Phil asked, hopeful. You nodded, telling him that your shift ended in a couple hours. "Okay, I'll see you then," he said while smiling before walking out.

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