Dating Phil Lester Would Include..

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• listening to his creativity go off the wall, and even though you may not fully understand it, you love it
• date night every once in a week
• Phil always holding your hand when you two go out shopping
• making out during TV commercials
• texting each other random animal pictures
• him taking you out to really nice dinners and offering to pay for it all
• baking with him and throwing some ingredients at each other (as well as slightly shaming him for eating said ingredients)
• everyone for some reason calling him innocent but there's a side of him that makes you weak in the knees
• wanting to give him the world but all you can manage is your love, which seems to be quite good to him
• making him coffee and pancakes when he's having a bad morning
• him sitting you down, wrapping you in a blanket, making you tea, and letting you cuddle into him while watching silly cat videos when you're having a bad day
• him always going all out in
many video games and board games
• a night in with pizza
• him making you a birthday crumpet on your birthday
• you trying to make him blush because it's the cutest thing in the world to you
• him always trying (and failing) to scare you at night and you end up scaring him instead
• "I hate you" "No you love me"
• soft kisses on the cheek
• being best friends with Dan

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