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"Dan!" you screamed. Moments later, your boyfriend came running to the lounge where you had been watching TV. "What's wrong, Y/N?" he asked concerned at the fear in your voice. You pointed to the floor, voice trembling, "There's a spider, please get rid of it." He laughed as he looked at the tiny creature you were scared of until your glare cut off his laughing. "Oh come on, Y/N. It won't hurt you," he soothed, but your glare didn't lessen. "Ok fine," he muttered to himself before he killed it. Afterwards, he sat beside you on the couch, and you curled into his side instantly. "Thank you," you whispered, relieved. "Why are you scared of a little spider?" he joked, and you smacked at his arm. "Shut up! It might hurt me!" you exclaimed, voice raising a few octaves. "Freak," he muttered barely loud enough for you to hear and you growled at him.



"Phil, I can't do this; I should just go home," you explained as you looked wide-eyed at the rollercoaster. Phil decided to take you to a theme park, despite your insistent pleas not to because of your fear of rollercoasters and heights. "Come on, Y/N! It'll be fun," he asked as the line moved up. You and Phil were next in line now, and you still weren't prepared for this whatsoever. After a few more minutes, it was now your turn. "I can't do this," you said loud enough for only Phil to hear. "You'll be fine," he told you reassuringly as he sat beside you. You squeezed his hand tightly as he rubbed soothing circles onto your hand with his thumb. "I promise you'll be okay," he said into your ear as the ride began to ascend while you tightened your grip on his hand. "I hate you," you said through gritted teeth right before the rollercoaster began to go down, you letting out a scream in the process. In only minutes, the ride was already over, and you and Phil began to walk away. "So that wasn't actually that bad," you finally said, not wanting to admit you had been wrong. Phil laughed as he pulled on your hand to get in line for another rollercoaster.

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