Your birthday

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You wake up as any other day, Dan's arm lazily over your waist, keeping you close to him even in sleep. When you stir, he wakes up, and you smile at him groggily. "Happy birthday, love," he says and leans in to peck you on the nose. The two of you cuddle in bed for a while before he leans down to ask you what you want to do. No filming, no editing, nothing. It's all about you.


When you wake up, you instantly notice that you have a whole lot more space than you usually do. Odd, you think, Phil isn't usually up before you. You get out of bed and pad down to the kitchen, assuming that's where you'll find him. And there's Phil in his pajamas, making pancakes and listening to music very softly. "Hey, happy birthday!" he says with a smile, "I have a whole day planned for us. Just you wait."

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