He's your best friend and your BF cheats

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You phone had been buzzing non-stop from your now ex-boyfriend, who had been either texting you or calling you. You had no clue as to why, he had already broken your heart, the last thing you needed was to hear his voice. Coupled with calls from Y/XBF/N, you'd been getting calls from your best friend, Dan and you couldn't blame him since you'd been distant for a few days. Finally gathering courage you answered, "Hello?" You cursed, your voice sounded hoarse, from all the crying. "Y/N? Are you OK? You haven't been answering my calls." You head Dan's voice on the other line and it instantly calmed you. "No, i'm not OK." You whispered, it was no use in lying Dan could always tell when you were telling a fib or when you were in a lousy mood. "Y/XBF/N cheated." You murmured hoping Dan didn't hear, but when you heard him curse and mutter about how 'he was going to kill him', that hope deflated. "It's OK, it's no big deal." You tried reasoning and tried to reassure both of you, but you had said it so non-enthusiastically you didn't believe it in the least. "No big deal? Of course it's a big deal! I'm coming over right now!" He shouted, you winced since you never did get used to Dan getting angry because he was usually in a jovial mood or he was doing something to make you laugh. But when he pulled up in front of your house, you smiled knowing Dan would always be there for you, boyfriends would cheat and break your heart repeatedly but Dan would be there you to pick up the broken pieces.


You pressed 'end call' in complete shock. You couldn't believe it. You wouldn't believe it. Even though it came straight from his mouth, it must have been some cruel sick joke. "Y/N? You OK?" Phil asked walking into your living room, noticing your strange expression on your face. You couldn't hear anything except the loud ringing in your ears. He cheated. After three freaking years of being together he cheats. Tears sprung into your eyes, and your knees gave out. "Y/N! What's wrong?" Phil said alarmed, picking you up from you distressed state. "H-he cheated!" You shouted heartbroken, you buried your face into the soft fabric of his sweater and began sobbing. "Hey, hey. Calm down." He soothed, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and pulling you closer. "It'll be alright. You'll find someone who actually deserves to be with someone as great as you." He reasoned, trying to calm you down enough to speak. "No I won't I'm unlovable." You wailed, not wanting to hear anything about you being great, because if you were then why did he cheat? If you were so great why did he go find someone new? "You are completely lovable! Everyone loves you! You're smart and pretty and funny, literally anything a guy would want you have." He said, face getting hot from saying those things to you. "Really?" You sniffed, pulling your face out of his embrace. "Really." He parroted, smiling at you. "You're right I am pretty great." You joked, relieving some of the despair and tension in the room. "Thanks, Phil."

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