First kiss *requested Phil imagine*

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It's your graduation day, but you treated it as the most important day of your life. So did Phil, as your positive sprit rubbed off on him too. The day started off well, considering that you got Phil awake before 9am and Phil cooked "celebration pancakes" for you and him for breakfast.

Now you were at your university, listening to speeches which some you found extremely boring and some interesting. Before you know it, it's time to graduate. Your friends start to get emotional and you feel a tear coming up as Phil hugs your shoulders reassuringly. You look around and see that all the teachers are motioning the graduated students to throw their hats in the air. The students all count to three and throw their hats as high as they can throw, filling the blue sky up with hats. Phil whoops and starts running around you, as a rush of adrenaline shoots through his body. "Y/N! You graduated! This reminds me of the time I graduated! I'm so proud of you!!" He showers you with kisses, forgetting that you two had not had your first kiss together yet, he smooches you right on your lips.
You're taken by surprise and forget to kiss him back. "Phil!" He cocks his head to the side, "Wha- Oh" "You had me off guard as well!" He scratches the back of his neck and takes a step forward to you, his face only an inch apart fro yours. "Okay, I am going to kiss you again to make up for the adrenaline-filled kiss." "Okay." He leans in and you feel his soft lips locking into your lips ever so gently, and you feel fireworks and sparks lighting up inside your body. He draws you two apart first, then giving you a quick kiss on the nose.
"Did that make up for the other kiss?" "Yes."

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