Anxiety attack

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*Trigger warning*

Dan: Just breathe. You grabbed onto the cool porcelain of the sink and prayed that it would just pass. Your heart was pounding and your chest was in tremendous pain, you tried to swallow the yell that was threatening to escape from your throat since Dan was downstairs shooting a video and you didn't want to disturb anyone. So you laid down and prayed that Dan wouldn't come upstairs to use the bathroom or go into the bathroom, but your prayers lost all hope when you heard the familiar footsteps coming up. "Hey Y/N, could you-?" His voice cut off when he saw you lying there in the middle of the bathroom with the door wide open. Why had you left it open anyway? You thought trying desperately to calm yourself down. Dan rushed to your side as he always did whenever you had one of your anxiety attacks and tried calming you down by pulling you to his chest and rocking you back and forth. "Shh, it's OK. Calm down, you'll be alright." Eventually your breathing evened out and you just lied there, with your head in Dan's lap hearing the steady heartbeat through his shirt, finally thinking that maybe it would be alright. As long as he was always here to help you through it.

Phil: "Can you get me a water bottle, please?" You asked, voice shaking. You were scrolling through Instagram when a familiar wave of anxiety and fear had struck you like a train wreck. Phil was seated directly in front of you on the opposite couch, and you didn't want him to see you in that state. But your shaking voice and shallow breathing were a dead giveaway. "Are you alright?" He asked, concerned as to why you were acting like you were. He had never seen you have a anxiety attack so you couldn't blame him for not knowing the symptoms. "F-fine." You stuttered, trying to look him in the eye, he quickly moved over to your couch and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. "Hey, you're alright. Come on, you're going to be alright." He said, giving you a full hug. You laid your head on his shoulder and shut your eyes tight, hoping he couldn't feel how cold you were. With his hands rubbing soothing circles on your back, you were able to calm down enough to actually listen to what Phil was saying. His voice and hand movement ended up lulling you to sleep.

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