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When the doorbell rings there's still a curling iron in your hair. Your cousin, who is doing your hair, gasps. "He's early!"
You snatch up your phone. Six o'clock. "No, he's on time. We're not," you say and quickly send a text to your mother to stall him for a bit. It won't take long to finish curling your hair, almost everything else was done. The only other thing left to do was zip up your dress -champagne, the color was, slim and sparkly. Besides, Dan could wait. He liked chatting with your parents about useless things anyway.
Once your hair is done and your dress is zipped up you head down to the first floor. Dan is at the other end of the room, his back to you, talking to your parents. Your mother looks up first and sighs happily. Dan spins around and his face breaks out in a smile so big it makes you blush. "You look fantastic," he says.
"Thank you," you say.
He smiled a little in response and presents you with a corsage. You hold your left hand and he slides it on. The two of you share a moment of eye contact before the flash of a camera blinds you both.

The music is so loud you have to yell across the table to your friends so they can hear you. You say what for about the fifth time, leaning closer when you finally hear one of them say, "We're going to dance!" You nod to signal that you heard them and they get up to leave. You would go too, but Phil was a little self conscience about dancing to pop music. Despite this, prom is probably the most fun you've had all year.
"Do you want a drink?" Phil asks in your ear, below the music. You nod again. He leans in to quickly peck your lips before getting up. You sit alone at the table, playing with a mint when someone taps your shoulder. "Do you want to dance?" he asks loudly.
"No, I have a date," you reply.
"You're late?"
"No-" You're interrupted when Phil returns with two cups of soda. "A date," he tells the other boy, raising an eyebrow to try and look threatening. You stifle a grin as the boy shuffles away and Phil sits down beside you, an arm spread over the back of your chair.

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