You cry *requested Dan imagine*

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You were sat on a couch with trembling hands, waiting for your boyfriend, Dan to come home from the YouTube Christmas party. An hour ago, you were scrolling through your twitter mentions when a follower tweeted you; "@y/t/n you need to look at this picture!" You clicked on a picture attached to the tweet, and saw that he was dancing with another girl, who you didn't recognise. At first you brushed it off, but the more you looked, the more you became sad and frustrated. You hear the door creak open and Dan's pops inside, with flushed cheeks. You could clearly tell that he had a couple of drinks. You suddenly feel a tear rolling down your cheek. Dan gasps, drops his coat and phone on the ground and rushes over to give you a hug. You grunt and try to move away from him, only to feel his grasp tighten. "Who was that girl?" You ask, flinching as you heard his mouth open, afraid of what he might say. "The girl I was dancing with? The girl that is rumoured to be with me on twitter for dancing with me?" You nod and feel him kissing you hair. "Y/N, she's my cousin. No one on twitter knows her because I haven't introduced her to them yet. I haven't introduced her to you either. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset and worried." You wipe your tears away and let out a sigh in relief. "You had me so worried." Dan gives you an apologetic smile and you pull him in to give you a light kiss on his nose. "Now go have a shower. You stink of vodka."

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