Innuendo Bingo

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It was Radio One's Big Weekend and you were dragged into a tent with Dan and Phil, who were going to be playing Innuendo Bingo with Chris Stark and a 'mystery celebrity guest'. Long story short, the mystery guest never showed up and you were the only person in the tent available to do it. So there you were, sitting in a circle with Dan, Phil and Chris around a massive bin, about a hundred cups of water to your side. You weren't going to lie, you loved watching innuendo bingo but you never imagine that you'd like to play it. 'You're listening to Scott Mills at Radio One's Big Weekend and we're about to play a four-way game of Innuendo Bingo with Chris, Dan and Phil and our guest who was ever so kind to fill in, Y/N.' Scott says. 'Thank you! It's nice to know you appreciate it.' You say, referring to how the boys were moaning earlier that a fourth person meant there would be ever more water on everyone. You smirk, wanting to get them back for it as you fill your mouth with water and the first clip is played. All the boys bend down to spit out their water, but you keep your head up, soaking them all. 'Jesus Y/N! My hair is going to turn into an afro now!' Dan says, setting you all of laughing. By the time you finish there's a massive pool of water on the ground and you're all drenched. 'It's your fault!' Phil exclaims, pointing at you and laughing. You leave the tent and Dan pouts at you, running his hand through his hair. 'Look! All curly!' he says. 'Don't worry, I like it better that way.' You say, smiling.   


You smirked at Phil, who was sitting across from you in the BBC Radio 1 Studio. Phil brought you with him and Dan to show you around since they were going to be on The Scott Mills show. What you didn't know was that you were going to be on National radio playing Innuendo Bingo with Phil since Dan was sick and he didn't want to risk getting ever more ill. But here you were, and it was too late to say no now. 'Hello, I'm joined here with Phil from Dan and Phil and his lady friend , Y/N. Who are about to play Innuendo Bingo since Chris is gone off on holiday.' Scott says into his microphone. 'Yes, Y/N is covering for me since I am sick. Be sure to go onto the BBC website where you can see all of this live on video.' Dan chimes in. 'Okay water ready?' Scott asks. You and Phil fill your mouths with water and nod. 'First Clip.' Scott says. They play the clip and you manage to hold your water in, but Phil sprays you with his. You shiver, feeling the cold water hit your face and spit your water into the bucket. 'You're going to pay for that!' You say to Phil. You fill your mouth with water and scowl at Phil competitively while they start the next clip. You spray Phil with water to the best of your ability and most of his water ends up on you too. You glare over at Dan who was laughing at you both. 'You're lucky I'm doing this for you Dan, you shouldn't be laughing at me.' you say. 'I'm not! I'm laughing at Phil!' he says, smirking. They continue playing clips for another five minutes and by the end you're both absolutely soaked. You'd never give either of the boys the satisfaction of knowing it, but you really enjoyed yourself.   

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