He babysits your child

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Usually you are incredibly wary of leaving Dan alone with your son. Not because he wasn't careful or vigilant, but because it seemed that whenever you left them alone Y/S/N came back having learned a new curse word. Dan never meant to let him learn, but he curses in every other sentence so it isn't a surprise when eventually his son learns a word or two. Today you came home, and caught sight of Dan and Y/S/N curled up on the couch, Toy Story on the TV screen, and a blanket covering the two. Dan had his arm around Y/S/N and he was curled up against his side, face buried between Dan's jumper. You smiled and shut off the TV and went to join the both of them.


When you leave Y/D/N with Phil, she always come running to you talking at extreme speeds about what the two of them did that day. Whether it was getting ice cream or playing tag around the house. When you got home around lunchtime, you expected the two of them to be at the dining table. "I'm going to find you sooner or later!" Phil said loudly, his voice echoing through the house, you looked curiously into your bedroom and saw that Phil was holding Y/D/N upside down with one hand and tickling her with the other. "Found you!" He called, while she giggled uncontrollably.

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