He finds out you're pregnant

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Dan: You stood in the kitchen, with a pregnancy test in your hands. You close your eyes and take a deep breath. The test had come through as positive and you hadn't yet told your boyfriend, Dan. Every time you tried to tell him, you felt like crying, scared of what he might say and nervous that he was going to leave you. Suddenly, you heard the front door open and Dan muttering about the bad weather as he put the grocery bags down onto the floor. Crap, you thought, as you quickly hid the pregnancy test behind your back. "Hey love! Damn, the weather out there is BAD." You try to concentrate on smiling at his words but Dan glanced at you suspiciously. "You alright?" Dan asked and you nod your head fast, too fast, that Dan furrowed his eyebrows and took a step towards you. "You don't seem it," he ruffled his hair and walked towards you, "What's wrong?" "Nothing!" "Are you sure?" "I'm fine. Really." You back away from Dan and accidentally hit your hands on the fridge and drop the pregnancy test. You rush to pick it up but Dan picks it up swiftly before you can and gives the test a nervous glance. "Is this-" Tears start streaming down your face as Dan opens his mouth to speak. "Oh Y/N, come here" he engulfs you in a hug and your tears immediately stain his top. "Shhhh love. It's okay" he rocks you back and forth in his arms. After you had calmed down, he lets go of you and looks you in the eyes, "Am I going to be a dad?" You nod and look away, scared of what he might say next. He engulfs you in another hug and he kisses you on the cheek. "Dan I-" you stop mid sentence when you see tears forming in Dan's eyes. "I'm so happy. Oh my god, I'm going to be a dad. A DAD. I can't believe this!" He wipes the tears that had formed in the corners of his eyes and hugs you even tighter. "Why were you hiding it?" "I was scared that you were going to leave me" "Leave YOU?" Dan chuckled, "Y/N, I love you and I've never been so happy in my life. I'll never stop loving you... and the baby" "I love you too, Dan."

Phil: You tossed and turned in your sleep, not being able to get the image out of your head. You had taken a pregnancy test and it had come back to you as positive. Phil, your boyfriend was fast asleep beside you, letting your mind wander. You sighed and turned once again to face Phil, who had no idea that you were pregnant. Frustrated and worried, you got up from the bed and decided to grab a glass of water to calm your mind. You became more and more anxious as time passed. You took a sip of your water and sighed. You jumped as you heard Phil walking downstairs into the living room, where you were now sat. You quickly wiped the tears that had suddenly formed in the corners of your eyes and took a shaky breath. "Y/N? What're you doin-oh are you alright?" Phil caught you wiping your eyes and asked, with hints of worry in his eyes. "I'm okay, just came down for a glass of water, that's all" You let out a nervous chuckle and got up to walk back up to your bedroom. "Y/N, love, what's wrong?" He gently but firm enough to stop you, grabbed your arm, and you stopped next to him. "I-um...my...no" you shook your head as you tried to get the correct words out of you. Phil sat you down on the couch once again with a gentle smile on his face. "I'm listening, take your time" You took a shaky breath and whispered, "Phil, I'm pregnant." You glanced at Phil with a worried look on your face, only to meet his eyes that shone with excitement. "Oh my god! I'm going to be a dad!" He leapt to his feet and celebrated with his hands in the air. Phil stood you up and engulfed you in a tight hug. "Don't squish the baby!" You laughed as he kissed your forehead. "Y/N, I'm so happy! I love you so much" "I love you more."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2018 ⏰

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