Rejection *requested Dan imagine*

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You have liked Dan ever since you laid your eyes on him at an after party. You had gotten closer to him as a friend and you had fallen hopelessly in love with him. The way his eyes lit up when he talked about something he liked, the way his smile reached up to his eyes and before you knew it, you had started to love everything about him. When you told your friend Phil, who had been by your side for nearly two years, reacted half-heartedly to your confession. "You should just forget about it." You were startled, Phil, the most positive person on the planet was acting like a douche. You decided to brush it off, not wanting to get things heated between you two. In the mean time, you tried your best to get even closer with Dan, even if that meant doing things you normally would not do, just to impress him.

You had talked to Louise and Zoe, who assured that you should just go for it.

So that is what you were doing now, heading into London to meet with him at Starbucks. You called him earlier on today and asked if you two could talk privately, and you have decided that Starbucks was a nice place to talk at.

You crossed the road to Starbucks and see that Dan was already waiting outside Starbucks, wrapped up in a coat and on his phone like the usual Dan. You called his name, making him look up in surprise and to smile immediately when he realised that it was you. You took this as a good sign, trying to boost up your confidence.

You two went inside, Dan mumbling about the menu. You settled on a hot chocolate, Dan choosing a Peppermint Mocha. You decided to choose a seat near the window, away from the line of people in the shop. Dan sighs as he takes a seat next to you on the couch and you immediately tell him, "You shouldn't sit next to me as this might get awkward." He gives you a weird look and he moved after saying, "Don't tell me you've hooked up with your cousin or something." You let out a choked laugh, causing him to ask if you're okay. You motioned him to brush it off and you took a deep breath and decided to just get straight to the point.

"Dan, I have to tell you something."
"I've fallen in love with someone."
"Oh! That's exciting! Who-"
"But there's one problem."
"Oh, what's the problem? Who is it?"
"I've fallen in love with you, Dan."

You see Dan's face fall and you look away, not wanting him to break your heart immediately.

Dan opens his mouth to speak and you raise your hand to stop him.

"Dan, I- um can you at least say it in the least hurtful way?"

His face softens,

"Y/N, I hate to see you hurt and I absolutely would hate to be the one hurting you. But this obviously has to be done. I'm sorry. I love you too but as a friend. Even if I did, I can't make you happy. You deserve someone so much better, Y/N. Again, I'm sorry, I hate seeing you hurt."

I see Dan's face, and it immediately breaks my heart. I see a worried expression, and behind that I can tell that he's hurt. Hurt because he's hurting me. I feel tears well up in my eyes and I bolt. I bolt out the chair with my bag, not turning around. Too afraid to see his expression again.

"Y/N! I-"

That's all I hear before I run out the door. I run and run, and keep running until someone pulls me backwards as I'm about to run across the road. A car zooms past in front of me and it makes me out of breath.

I turn around and see a blurry figure. I wipe my tears away and I look again.

"You almost got ran over Y/N! What were you thinki- oh"

Phil sees the tears that are rolling down your cheeks, and immediately looks worried.

"Am I allowed to ask what's wrong?"

He quietly asks and you nod, deciding to spill everything.

"I- I told Dan. He didn't feel the same way."

"Oh no, I'm so sorry."

Phil hugs you tight, so tight that you can feel his heart beat.

You hear him mutter under his breath,

"This is why I told you not to tell him. I told you to forget about it because I knew he would hurt you. I knew that I could make you happier than he could."

You pull away from his embrace, gasping, surprised at the fact that he said that.


You're suddenly interrupted by a kiss, Phil softly caressing your hair. The kiss ends shortly after Phil pulls away, your forehead against his.

"I've always loved you, Y/N."   

P.s I wrote this at Starbucks so that's why it's set in Starbucks lmao

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