Chapter 6

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Stiles and Malia are walking to his Jeep. They say goodbye to the pack and get in.
They drive to Malias House and Stiles drives the Jeep into the parking lot. He turns the engine off.
"Thanks for the ride."
"Not a problem. I could also take you to School every morning if you want to."
"That would be so nice. But you don't have to, Stiles." Malia smiles at him.
"But I want to." He smiles back at her.
"So, should I help you study or do you want to study alone?"
They're sitting on Malias Bed, surrounded by books.
"I hate Math so much." Malia lays her head onto the book. Stiles laughs. "I know you do. But it's essential."
She pouts. "Hey Malia, what's it with all these highlighters?" Stiles asks.
"Green is for the things I understand, yellow means I'm working on it. Red means I have no clue."
Stiles looks at her surprised. He thinks about the board in his room where he connects all the supernatural cases with strings in the same colours. They really have things in common.
He looks at Malia. She's concentrated on her worst enemy, the Math Book.
Suddenly it comes to him. How right it feels. Just being with her. He realizes one more time how beautiful she is.
She suddenly looks at him. "You okay?"
"What? Uh, yes. I'm good. Very good actually." She smiles at him.
He slowly leans in. He just really wants to kiss her.
Suddenly there are steps on the stairs.
They hop away from each other fast.
Malia blushes and then she whispers: "It's my Dad!"
Stalia Studying Scene 😍
I miss them so much in Teen Wolf, I cry
Hope you like this Chapter!

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