Chapter 8

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Long Chapter ahead!
A few weeks later.

Stiles and Malia have spend almost everyday with the others.
Malia involves awesome in the pack. She completes it.
Also Stiles and Malia didn't talk about their almost-kiss. They forgot about it.
Stiles is laying on his bed. It's a full moon and he's lucky Beacon Hills is safe from supernatural creatures at the moment, because if there were some, he definitely wouldn't lie in his bed right now watching Star Wars.
It's pouring with rain outside.
Suddenly the door bell rings. Stiles looks at the clock, it's about midnight. Who could it be?
He waits for his dad to answer the door. After a few seconds of silence, he remembers that he's out on his night shift.
Stiles manages to get up and walks down the stairs.
He opens the door.
It's Malia.
She's soaked to the skin, wearing his jacket. Oh, that's where he left it.
He suddenly realizes she's sobbing.
"Malia? Oh god, come in."
She walks into the house with her head down. He quickly runs up the stairs and gets some towels. Within seconds he's back by her side. He wraps her in a towel and hugs her.
"What happened?" he says in a soft voice. She lifts her head to look at him, with tears in her eyes.
"S-Stiles, it's my dad." Her voice cracks. "I-it's full moon. He got me angry because he wanted me to stay away from you and the pack. I couldn't control myself and turned before him. It just clicked in his head that I..." She cries harder.
"Shh.. Mal. It's okay. I'm here." Stiles tries to calm her down.
"He kicked me out, Stiles. I have nowhere to go."
Only now he sees the backpack she had in her hand.
"I'm so sorry, Mal. He has no right to kick you out. You can stay here for a while. My father really likes you, you know that." He smiles at her softly.
She calms down.
He cups her face with his hands and wipes away her tears.
She smiles at him lightly. Then she shivers.
"Let's go upstairs. You can take a nice, hot shower while I'll make us something to eat. Okay?"
"Okay. Thanks, Stiles." She gives him a kiss on the cheek, then smiles at him.
He blushes but she doesn't notice.
While she gets in the shower, he makes some dinner in the kitchen.
She comes down fully dressed with wet hair and no makeup, but if you ask him she still looks breathtaking.
After they've eaten and cleaned everything up, they go back upstairs.
"This was just what I needed." She seems a lot better than a hour ago.
He sits on the bed and pats on the spot beside him. "Come here. I was watching Star Wars before you arrived. Do you want to watch the rest with me?" he asks her.
"Of course." she says.
They crawl under the blankets together and Malia cuddles onto Stiles. She's finally able to breathe in his scent again. The day was hard and exhausting but this made up everything.
He lays his arm around her shoulder.
After a few hours of watching movies and talking, he notices that she doesn't respond anymore. He looks at her and she's deeply asleep. He lays her down carefully and looks at her for a few moments.
The way she breathes so softly, her chest rises and sinks, her now dried hair a shiny mess. He loves it.
Like he actually really loves it.
It clicks in his head.
He loves her.
He feels it every time he looks at her.
More than he has ever felt for Lydia.
For anyone.
A quite long Chapter!
Please comment below what you think. Is it too long? x

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