Chapter 43

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2. I focused so hard and now I have this and chapter 44 ready, yes!!
3. I cried writing Chapter 44 IT'LL GET SO DAMN INTENSE
4. This is a long chapter bc of the writer's block & stuff bc ily💘
5. AND OMF THIS CHAPTER HAS 1275 WORDS aka longest chapter ever?? My Chapters normally only have 600-800!!!

They call Scott immediately.

Half an hour later he arrives at Allison's house.
Allison tells him about her 'dream' and Scott seems very thoughtful.

"So he said you need to get the Nogitsune out of me again?"
"Well, maybe we should do it like the last time then. Possess the Nogitsune itself."
"But since Caitlin is a witch.."

"Maybe we should possess Caitlin." Malia says.
They look at each other.

"With some sort of magic potion?" Allison asks.
"As crazy as it sounds - it could work."
Scott says, nodding.

"I'll drive to Deaton now, we need to help Stiles soon. Oh- and Malia. We won't let Caitlin kill you."

By the time Malia wants to say 'She won't be able to kill me if I'm a coyote again by tomorrow evening' Scott is already gone.
Maybe it's better to leave her thoughts to herself.

But it's true.
She spoke with Deaton few days ago and it's all ready.
Now that they know what's wrong with Stiles and how to help him it's the right time to go.

He'll be okay.

As much as she wants to get Stiles back - he has hurted her so much.
She's invisible to him.

Malia is not the type of girl to give up easily but this time it was just too much.

The whole situation, New York, her dad.

She wants her old life back.
She's looking forward to it.

But she needs to tell someone that it's time.
At least one person.

"Allison?" Malia asks watching her searching through her closet.
"You know that I want to be a coyote again."
Allison stops searching and slowly turns around. Her eyebrows are furrowed.

Malia looks away.
It hurts to see Allison like this.
"Alli. By tomorrow evening I'll be a coyote again."
She looks at Allison again, seeing her eyes water.
"You still want to do this?" She whispers.
"Yeah." Malia's voice cracks.

The girls are hugging tightly, both sobbing. They stay like that for a long while.

"I understand your decision." Allison says, looking at Malia.
"I know you do."
"I'll miss you so much, Mal."
"I'll miss you, too."
"I need to tell them."
"You're allowed but you need to tell them when it's too late for them to do something. I'm sure that I want it. Okay?"
She looks in Allisons eyes.
"Okay." Allison sighs.


The next day.

Malia spends her day walking around Beacon Hills one last time.
As a human, at least.

She walks past her old home - the house is still for sale.
She walks through the Park, through the School. To the beach.

She walks through the water, watching the clouds on this clearly blue sky.

She never expected her life to change this much.
It was a mostly good time but it's definitely time to go now.

The more she thinks about it the more secure she gets.
It's the right thing to do.

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