Chapter 17

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"Maybe." She says in a silent voice.
Stiles looks at her concerned.
"What's wrong?" He asks.
"It's my dad. I haven't talked to him since the night I turned in front of him."
"And you're ready to talk to him now?"

"You want me to go with you?"
"No, it'd be too much for your leg." She looks at him. "I'll be back soon."
He grabs her face and kisses her deeply.
"Miss you already." He says as she stands up and grabs her bag.
"Miss you too, Baby." She smiles one more time at him before she leaves.

She gets her bike out of Stiles' Garage and drives towards her home. With her dad.
Well, adopted dad but he's like her real one.

Her legs are shivering as she walks up the stairs. She just wants to turn around and get back into Stiles' safe arms as fast as possible.
She knocks.
The door doesn't open. Nobody's home.

She's about to turn around as she hears a familiar voice: "Malia?"
She turns. It's her dad.

She can't resist, she runs up to him and hugs him. She's tearing up as he hugs her back and holds her tight.

"I missed you around the house."
He apologized. She feels so light.
"You did?" She mumbles into his jacket.
"Everyday. I'm sorry for everything, Malia. I know it's not your fault."

He looks at her.
"Do you want to move in again?"
"Dad, uh- I don't know. I'm-"
"You're living with Stiles. I know. But this is still your home."
"I know. I'm going to talk to him and call you later."
I'm sorry for not updating but my WiFi is currently not working and I need to use my mobile Data for everything which is vv slow!
I'm still trying to update.
+ I have a damn cold I can't do anything, I'm sneezing 25/7 and I'm covered in tissues - that sucks 😩
Thanks for 6K Reads!❤️

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