Chapter 44

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I cried writing this Chapter so tell me how you liked it!!
Listen to this song while reading (sorry for the advertisement at the beginning) and you'll hurt even more!! xx

At the same time.

It's 6 pm when Malia enters the Animal Clinic.
"Deaton?" She walks in.

"I'm over here, Malia."

When she enters the treatment room she's slightly shocked.
She's never seen so many liquids, tools and powder at once on his table.

"We need all of this?" She asks, raising one eyebrow.

"Yeah. It's not the easiest thing to turn a human back fully."
"I understand."

She lays down on the table, looking at Deaton.
"I'm 100% sure. Please start."
"It's dangerous, Malia. You could die."
"I know, Deaton. I thought about it, please."

"Alright, Malia. It was good to know you. I'm sure we'll see each other again some day."

Malia isn't so sure about that.

They both take a deep breath in when Deaton takes the syringe and says:
"This is going to hurt. It's wolfsbane. It's to make you feel the pain. It'll make you turn in the end. But if you turn it'll be forever."

He injects the wolfsbane, Malia feeling like acid burns her from the inside.
She screams louder and louder, the pain getting more and more intense.

Deaton grabs the scalpel.
"This'll hurt even more."


Stiles feels dizzy.
He can feel the still wet blood under his nose, his breathing still heavy.

He feels exhausted.
He feels scared.

He remembers everything.
He just fought the Nogitsune.
Caitlin and the Nogitsune are finally gone.

He breathes in deeply, opening his eyes.

He's jumping when he finds Scott, Isaac, Ethan, Aiden, Allison, Kira and Lydia surrounding his bed.

"Stiles." Scott breathes out and Stiles can almost smell his relief.
They hug tightly.

"Man, you scared the shit out of us."
Isaac says, his hand resting on Stiles' shoulder.

Stiles feels relieved, too.
He's happy his friends are there and that they helped him to fight the Nogitsune - again.

But suddenly he realizes - there's a person missing.


She's not here.
He looks around once again.

She's not here.

"Malia." He whispers, looking at Scott.

He can definitely see how Scott's look changes. To something bad.

"She's at Deaton's."
Allison says, trying to hide the pain in her voice.

"Is she hurt!?" Stiles jumps off the bed, sprinting to the door.

"Stiles." Lydia says with a soft but serious voice.
He turns around, awaiting the worst.

"Deaton turns her right now. She wanted her coyote life back."
Scott says, studying Stiles' face.

His mouth opens and closes, the wheels in his head spinning.

"You hurted her so much." Kira whispers.

"Oh, fuck." Stiles finally says, now sprinting even faster.

He's almost falling down the stairs but even if he would - he wouldn't care.

He needs to get to Malia.

He jumps in whatever car is the closest - suddenly having Scott beside him.

He hands Stiles the keys.

"Let's go."

Stiles drives the car out of the parking lot, pushing the gas pedal down.

He has never cared less about law orders than now.

All his exhaustion is gone, his heart is beating 140 times per minute.

He feels the adrenaline rushing through his veins - he can't loose her.

He can't.
Not again.
Not when she's back.
He destroyed everything.

He almost drifts into the Animal Clinic's parking lot, jumping out of the car, not even bothering to close the door or stop the engine.

He pushes the door open, running into the back room.

He freezes in the doorframe.


She's laying there with her eyes closed - her beautiful hair sprawled on the table.

But - she's abnormal pale.

Stiles looks at Deaton, shocked, too see him standing there, looking at Malia concerned.

"Deaton what..?"
He tries to ask but he doesn't find the right words.

The others come in.
Allison gasps as she sees Malia, running up to her, grabbing her hand.
She starts crying.

"Scott, her hand is so cold." She sobs.

Scott's expression turns dark.
"Deaton, what happened?"

"I don't know, Scott. It went like planned. I injected the wolfsbane, I cut her open. I scattered the powder in the wounds but instead of making her turn... this happened.
She's in a coma. A dangerous one."

He lifts his head to look at Scott, eyes filled with tears and grief.
"I'm sorry."

Deaton steps back to sit on a chair.
He looks at Malia, clueless.

Stiles stood there the whole time, listening to the conversation.

He's running up to Malia, grabbing her other hand.
Allison's still kneeling on the other side of Malia, sobbing.

Malia is ice cold.
He knows Malia's cold skin.
But this.
This is too cold.

"Malia, no..." He whispers while his voice cracks, the tears starting to flow down his cheeks.

He's not ready to loose her.
To let her go.
He'll never be.

He stands up, bowing over her, taking her face in his hands.
"Malia, please. Don't. Don't leave me."

When he looks around, everyone is gone.
They understand he needs some alone time now.

He kisses her softly, pressing his lips on hers, hoping for any kind of movement.

"Malia, I'm so sorry." He starts.

He red somewhere that sometimes, coma patients can still hear the stuff around them.

"I didn't mean to do this. I didn't mean to ignore you. Malia. It was never on purpose. Before all of this happened I thought about proposing to you. I wanted you by my side forever. I still do. But I bet you hate me now. I love you, Malia Tate. I love you so damn much and I could throw myself off a bridge for what I have done. I never wanted this to happen. I never wanted us to end up like this. Mal. Wake up, okay? Please. I'll fix this. I'll fix all of this."

He kisses her hand a few times.

"Come back to me. Please. I can't stand seeing you like this. I can't loose you. I don't want to live this life without you. I don't want to see my dad ending up with Melissa without you. I don't want to see our friends getting married without you.
I don't want any other girl, Malia. I never did. I love you. I love you so much. I can't do this without you, Malia. You have to wake up. Baby, please. Wake up.
Because I need you."


Because I need you aka MY STORY NAME

Because I need you. - A Stalia FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now