Chapter 26

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Stiles is sitting on his bed as it knocks.
He wipes his red eyes before answering.

The door opens a bit and his dads' face looks into the room.

"Stiles, you look horrible. You should take a nice shower and come downstairs to eat something."
He closes the door and Stiles hears him walking down the stairs.

Stiles looks at the scattered pictures in front of him.
She's on every of them.

There's his favourite.

Malia and him standing in front of his Jeep, both eating ice cream and smiling.
It was their first Double Date with Scott and Kira.

He sighs.
Maybe he should really take a shower.
But eat something?

His Heart aches so bad since she left, he can't get one bite down.

But also he's not hungry.
He has this sick feeling in his stomach since Malia made the test.

She's too young for being a mother, same goes for him.

But he knows Malia - if she's pregnant she'll get that kid.

He sighs once again, emotionally wrecked and makes his way into the bathroom.

Malia's standing in a parking lot, leaned on the truck. Her dad got into the restaurant to eat something, but she's not hungry.

She's nothing.
She feels nothing without him.
She feels empty.
She needs to hear his voice, at least.
So she calls him.

His Voicemail picks up.
"Hey it's Stiles. I'm busy right now, so leave a message. Oh, and if you're Malia - I love you."

She remembers when he made it.
She sat on his bed when he spoke those lines again and again to make them sound perfect.
She just watched and laughed at him when he swore because he didn't get it right.

But everytime she heard him say the "I love you" part, her heart jumped.

He loves her.

The beeping sound gets her out of her thoughts.

"Stiles." Is all she says.
"I miss you so much. Hope you're okay. Call me if something is wrong, okay?
And don't sit in your Room all day.
Do something. Make a nice pack evening, okay?
I love you. So much."

She knows he'll hear how her voice shakes, how she fights back her tears when she speaks.

When Stiles comes back into his room, he doesn't feel any better.
His dad made him eat some soup but that doesn't help or anything.
His phone lays on his desk and he can see the light blinking.

He unlocks it and a brightly smiling Malia welcomes him.
She's his background.

He looks through his missed calls, one from Isaac, two from Scott, another from Allison. Why did they try to call?

But then he reads Malias' Name.
She left a voice mail.
He breathes in, pressing the phone against his ear.

Her voice. Her beautiful voice. It makes him feel so comfortable.

He listens to the short voicemail over and over again.
He can definitely hear some voice trembling there.
She's struggling as much as he does, he's sure.
But Malia's right. He needs to do something.

So he calls Scott back and tells him to arrange that pack evening which actually was the reason they called him.
A new Chapter. :)
It's kind of showing how they both struggle but try to get back to their normal lifes.
My poor babies to be honest 😩
What do you think about this Chapter? x
I'm always messing up the relationships like with Allison and Scott or Kira and Scott or Lydia and Aiden or Lydia and Jackson!! If you notice, please don't hate me.
It's because when I'm writing the chapters I'm concentrating on Stalia, not really the other pairings.
Don't hate me.🙈

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