Chapter 18

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"So, how did it went?" Stiles asks after Malia sits down on the couch next to him.

"It was good. He apologized."
"That doesn't sound too bad."
"Yeah but - he wants me to move back to him."
Malia hears Stiles' heart skipping a beat.
His face just dropped.

"Stiles?" She asks worried.
"Yeah. I- Do you.. Do you want to?"
"Would you be mad?"

He looks at her for the first time,
his eyes full of feelings.
"I would never be mad at you."
"I love you."
"I love you, too."
They share a passionate kiss.
They're cuddling til Stiles' Dad arrives.
Malia tells him the news as they eat dinner together.

Later in Bed, Malia cuddles onto Stiles tight.
"I'll still visit you every night. Don't want to sleep without you anymore."
She gives him a kiss on the cheek before she drifts off into sleep.
He strokes her hair while he thinks about Scotts words a while ago.

"I overheard Malias Dad talking to the principal the other day."
"You did? Wait, what is he doing in the school?"
"That's what I asked myself, too. So I listened to the conversation."
"So what did he say?"
"He said that he wants to move away with Malia as soon as she comes back to him."
"Wait, what?!"
"Yeah, he also said that he wants to leave Beacon Hills forever because it's not safe enough anymore and he wants him and Malia to start a new life."

He needs to tell her. He can't loose her.
He wouldn't stand not having her by his side.
She became a part of him.
Malia would say "mate".
He is her mate and she is his.

But how do Mates survive without each other?
A new Chapter, yay!
Because I have no WiFi (= I have much time) I'm already writing the following Chapters and I thought of a Storyline and huge Drama is about to come.
What do you think?💕
Omg 7K Reads whaaat

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