Chapter 34

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"Malia? Are you still there? I-I'm sorry! I thought you had to know.. I know it's hard but.. We're all here for you, okay? Malia?"

Malias standing against the wall, back pressed onto it.
Her eyes are a bright blue.
Her phone is slipping out of her hands before the claws grow out.

She's trying to stay calm - trying to stay human.

If she was human she would let out a whimper but with half of her coyote side showing, she growls.

She takes a few deep breaths, slowly changing back - concentrating on Allisons' Voice.

When she presses the phone back against her ear she notices how wet her face is, how her eyes burn from the mascara, how her shirt is covered from her tears, how she sled down the wall.

"Y-yeah. Still here."
"I'm so sorry."
Malia starts to sob.

Allison is shocked.
She knows Malia.
She knows the strong Malia, the badass, always protecting what's - no - who's important to her.

And now that Person is gone.

"Hey sweetie, it's okay. It'll be okay."
"Allison I-"
She takes a deep breath.
"Allison I need to think. I'll call you back."
After a short pause - she's trying to hold back her tears - she adds:
"Thanks for telling me, I guess."

(This should've been Chapter 35 but idk I'm trying to make my Chapters longer from now on. Tell me if you like it longer!)


Malia feels empty as she awakes the next morning.
She hasn't cried that much since she killed her own Family.
She thought she'd never have to feel such pain again.
And he - he puts her through it again.

She knows her eyes would water again by now but she's just out of tears.
She cried the whole night.

At least she doesn't have to go to school because her father kind of noticed that she was crying and she heard how he called her out of school in the morning.

It just hurts.
Stiles found another girl.

That thought. It literally tears her apart.

Allison said they're not official yet but they spend almost everyday together, they're walking around hand in hand and sometimes when they think they're alone - they kiss.

She gets sick at that. She just wants to throw up - vomit her heart and her feels out.
(Disgusting, I know.)

Her Name is Caitlin, Allison said.

Caitlin. Ew.

Malia sighs.

Maybe he's happy with her.
Malia wants Stiles to be happy.

But still, Stiles is her mate.
She can't just let her mate go.

She can't let some girl push her mate away from her.

She still loves him so much and she know how much he loved her back - how can that all be gone?

She's clueless.

She hates being human.
All these feels. School. Love.
That sucks.

She was okay with being human because of Stiles.
But Stiles is gone now.
Out of her league.

She always knew it.
She's just not good enough for him.

She sighs again.
How worse could this life be?
She's nothing without him.

She just wants her coyote life back.

And that's how she decides it.

Hope you like this Chapter!💘
Well I didn't write anything further so let's see when I update next! x
+ my Birthday is in 3 days 😍
+ Crystal's Episode airs tomorrow omfg (although I can first watch it on Wednesday but still)
Leave some favs & comments 💘
We might get emotional 😍
I was obsessed w/ this song a while ago

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