Chapter 9

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It's a nice Saturday Morning.
After the rain last night it's now beautiful outside. The birds are singing and the sun shines into Stiles' room.
Malia wakes up slowly.
She opens one eye and freezes for a second. 'Where am I?' She asks herself.
She breathes the scent in. His scent.
She relaxes. She's in Stiles' Room.
She thinks about the look of her father yesterday when he realized that it was Malia who killed his wife and daughter. It was horrible. She feels sick. She just wants to hide under the blanket and never stand up again.
She turns to her other side, looking for Stiles. But he's not there. She feels the place where he has been laying. It's still warm.
The sound of the shower turning off reaches her ears. She didn't realize it was running. She hears steps and Stiles walks into the room. He doesn't wear anything but a towel around his waist and a toothbrush in his mouth. His wet hair is standing in every direction like he just rubbed through it. He has a very nice body, not a six but a fourpack. He looks so hot.
His voice gets her out of her stare.
"Good Morning, I didn't know you were awake." Stiles mumbles through his mouth full of toothpaste.
"Good Morning." She replies with a smile.
When they go downstairs, Stiles' Dad is sitting in the kitchen. He chokes on his coffee at the sight of Malia.
"Good Morning Sheriff." She greets him with a sweet smile.
"Good Morning, uh, Malia. What are you doing here? Not that I wouldn't like you being here but.. have you been here all night?"
"She came by yesterday around midnight, her dad kicked her out because of the coyote thing, you know." Stiles says.
Luckily Stiles Dad knows about this whole supernatural stuff. Scott made Stiles tell his dad many months ago.
"I said she could stay here for a while. I know how much you like having a woman around your house." Stiles adds.
"I'm sorry, Malia. You can stay as long as you want." Sheriff smiles at her.
"Thank you, Sheriff." She says, smiling back at him.
They eat breakfast together and while Malia and Stiles do the dishes, Sheriff Stilinski pulls Stiles in the entrance hall.
"Stiles, you guys didn't do anything.. you know?" His dad asks in a lowered voice.
"Of course not! We're not together."
'Yet' he thinks.
"Yet?" His dad asks, raising one eyebrow.
'Oh sh*t, I said it out loud!'
"Uuuh, it's nothing, dad. Really."
He wants to walk away, but his dad grabs his arm.
He whispers into Stiles' ear: "She's a great girl, Stiles. Don't let her go."
"I won't, dad." He smiles to himself.
Another Chapter because why not, I love writing them 😍
Should I upload as much as I can or should I upload less?
Love x

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