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so I was reading stuff on how to get rid of the pain or whatever and this had me dumb weak:

"Period sex. Seriously, if she's complaining that cramps are killing her, offer to have sex and suggest it might help her cramps go away. Cramps result from pelvic muscles pushing ova and uterine linings out; sex and the correlated thrusting, penetration, and orgasm(?) stretch those muscles out the other way and clear out debris. It's like a warm-down. If height allows, have sex in the shower. Otherwise, put a towel down, have her on top, and shower after. If this squicks you out, think of it as extra lubricant."

this shit had me dumb weak and ion know why lmao. Like thats nasty af. Never would I ever let my nigga even close to "her" while I was on my shit bruh. No lie any nigga willing to do this shit, fuck bruh don't let his weird ass go. LAAAAWWWD HAVE MERCY! This is why you don't travel the internet at night you find weird shit bruuh. ok I'm done.😂😂😂💯💯💯

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