Chapter 2- Saying goodbye to friends

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One year later

"Kelly I'm going to miss you so much!"- random girl I know

"Why do you have to go!?"- random girl number two that I know

"The volley ball team will miss you. Kelly"-Couch

"I'm going to miss you watching us play football!"- random guy I know

"Have a safe trip home we will miss you!"- teacher

"Yo girl can I come in you suit case! I'm going to miss you so much!"- Jessie, my best friend said. I hugged her tightly before pulling away. Today was my last day of school at Hardly High school. And it has been an amazing year. The moment I walked in I got six people asking to show me around. But one girl stood out the most. Mostly because she scared everyone else away.

<|> "Hi I'm Lissa do you need any help?" Said a blonde girl. I was about to reply when another person caught my attention.

"Hi I'm Vine do you need help?" Asked Vince. I was about to reply that Lisa will help me when two other voices spoke.

"Let us show her." Said two people who looked identical. The two light brown haired boys looked at me waving. I was about to say I don't need help when two other voices interrupted me.

"No let us!" I turned to see two tall girls, one was a red head and one had brown hair.

"Everyone shut up! Your scaring her on her first day so all back off! I will be showing her around." Said a girl from behind me. All the kids in front of me backed away. I turned to see a girl my age with long blond hair with light blue tips at the end staring at me with a friendly smile. She skipped to me and held out her hand sending death glares to the people behind her. They all ran away. I looked to them weirdly before I turned to her and shook her hand.

"Thanks I'm Kelly." I said smiling at her.

"Hi I'm Jessie." She said back. And from then on we we're best friends. </|>

"I'm going to miss you too! I wish I could stay here until graduation but my mom said I have to go home but she also said I can come and visit when I want as long as its not a school night now that I know my brothers are rich." I chirped. She smiled again before looping her arms with mine. I was leaving tomorrow morning and tonight I was having a good by party with my close friends.

"Say hi to your brother for me and i hope you have a wonderful two years of high school at your old town." Said a teacher I had for history before.

Jessie and I are the popular people. Well not really there aren't many levels and its not one of their schools where you get picked on for your money or how you act or how smart you are. We are all treated equally but some people are just friendlier like Jessie and me.

"So how are you and Jacob?" I asked Jessie. Jacob and her have been dating for over a year now and they are so cute together. Jacob had blue hair and black eyes. He also had a nose piercing. He might look like a goth but he is the friendliest out of all of us. He loves nature and animals and is an artist.

"We are great! Our 13th month anniversary is really soon." She said smiling staring into space. I could practically see the love she has for him radiating off her. I smile at her and leaded her to the football field were Jacob and our other friend Kiln where practicing.

Kiln has purple hair and is gay. But he is he coolest, and most talented person I know. He plays the guitar, can sing, plays the piano, surfs, and skateboards. You should of seen his reaction to my skateboard wall.

"Hi Jessie! Hi Kelly! Can't wait for the party! I just wish it wasn't met for you going away." Said Jacob coming over to us.

"Yeah who is going to be my prank partner!" Whined Kiln. I chuckled remembering some of the pranks we did. My favourite one was probably

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