Chapter 16- Reunion

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After the wedding, the past four days went by really fast. I didn't go to school because I had to pack and help my mom clean the house for the next people to live in the house. I haven't seen Hunter since he left at the wedding, and I haven't seen Allesa since yesterday.

No one knew why Hunter and I haven't talked but they didn't ask either. They just assumed we haven't meet up yet.

Today was the big move. I would be moving in on the same street at Jessie, which I was so excited for, but I'm going to miss this house. It's the house I grew up in.

"Honey. We're leaving in an hour." My mom said giving me a encouraging smile.

"Okay mum." I said back.

I grabbed my phone from the last object in my room. A chair. That's it. My whole house was empty, all our stuff was transported yesterday to our new house so today when we get there everything would be there.

I dialed Allesa's number praying she would pick up considering she was at school.

"Hello?" she said into her phone.

"Oh my goodness Kelly! When are you leaving!?" she asked me startled.

"In a hour. I just wanted to call to say goodbye." I said trying not to cry.

"No I'm coming over." She said and I heard a locker door opening.

"Allesa you're at school. You're a perfect student don't ruin that by ditching." I said.

"Too bad. My best friend is leaving and I'm going to say a proper goodbye. See yeah in 20." She hung up.

I sighed but smiled.

Allesa is my best friend here. She is just like another Jessie. She's more than a best friend. She's my sister. Out of everyone here she will be the hardest to leave. Well besides Hunter.....

No! Don't think of that right now! You are going to spend your last 40 minutes in this town with you sister and you're gonna be happy!

*Knock Knock Knock*

I looked at my watched and my eyes widened. I was sitting on my floor for 20 minutes. I jumped up from my spot and ran to the door. I pulled it open and hugged Allesa.

"Lets go have fun."

"I'll miss you. I love you Allesa. We'll talk everyday." I said hugging her before rolling my luggage out side of my house and into the taxi.

"We will." She said following me.

"Friends forever?" I asked.

"Friends forever." She said hugging me one last time.

"Goodbye Allesa." I said before stepping into the taxi with my mom and my new dad.

"Goodbye Kelly." I heard her scream as my taxi drove down the street and around the corner where I couldn't see her, or my old house anymore.

"Kelly. Honey wake up." I felt someone nudging me. I rubbed my eyes looking at George.

I smiled and got out of the taxi and got my luggage.

We walked into the airport and went through security. Eventually we were on the plane, heading to New York.

"I love you ground!" I said shouting and getting on my knees to kiss the floor.

When we were on the plane there was a one hour delay. And let's just say we DIDN'T GET ANY EXTRA FOOD! But now that we landed I can eat!

"Kelly get up and help me find your brothers. They're picking us up remember?" she said to me looking around to see if anyone saw me on the ground.

"Yeah yeah I know. There they are!" I said looking at my brothers. I looked at them smirking then Blake pulled a bag out from behind him.

My mouth fell to the ground.

"FOOD!!!!!!!!" I screamed and ran to them hugging them tightly.

"I... cant.... Breath." Blake said.

"Neither.... Can..... I..." said Cameron.

"Mine!" I said grabbing the bag of food and holding it to my chest, hunching over trying to protect my precious chicken nuggets.

They both chuckled and went to hug my mom while I sat on the floor eating. Sure I got many weird looks but I was hungry so they can go a jump off a cliff.

"Okay let's go!" George said clapping his hands together and taking my luggage and his while my brothers took my mom's.

I got up and threw away the empty container.

"I'm ready wipping my hands on my shorts.

"Kelly! You're going to stain your shorts!" my mom said in a stern tone.

"Oops." I said innocently. She just rolled her eyes and followed my brothers to the parking lot.

"Ahhhh! Sofie!" I screamed running to my orange jeep.

"Sofie?" my brothers asked. I blushed.

"Shut up." I mumbled.

"Here's the keys." Cameron said throwing them to me.

"Mwaaaaaa" I said while getting into my car.

Before I could close the door my mom passed me a piece of paper.

"Here's the address honey."

"Thanks! See yeah guys at home!" I said closing the door and starting up my engine. I then started driving to my new house. But making one stop on the way.

"Oh my goodness girl! Hi!" I heard Jessie say onto the other line of my phone.

"Hey Jess! By any chance is Kiln and Jacob at your house?" I asked with a devilish smile.

"Yeah. Oh my god we miss you so much! We should hang out next weekend!" she said.

"Or now." I said with a giant grin even though she couldn't see me.

"What?" she asked confused.

I opened the door to her room and jumped in.

"Guess who's back baby!" I screamed jumping on her bed tackling all my friends.

"When did you get here!?" Jacob yelled with a grin.

"An hour or so ago." I said with a smile.

"Well why didn't you tell us! We want to spend as much time as we can with you before you go back home!" Kiln said.

I stepped back to look at my friends and smiled.

"Im back. To stay."

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