Chapter 22- University

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I yawned as we pulled back into my house.

The second day at Disney World Allessa came which was a surprise since it was a Thursday and her mom never let's her skip school.

But it was an awesome weekend. We went on a bunch of rides, went to the water park, went out for dinner and watched movies.

Now it was Sunday and I was so tired. I stayed up until 1:20 am watching a movie with the girls.

Jacob drove the way back and we already dropped off everyone and I was the last one. When he pulled into my driveway I rubbed my eyes to stay awake.

"Thanks Jacob." I said grabbing my suit case and giving him a quick hug.

"Your welcome by Kelly see ya tomorrow." he said.

I closed the door and waved as he drove away. I trailed my suitcase behind me and knocked on my door for my parents to open.

When it opened my mom grabbed me in a bug hug.

"Kelly! I'm so glad your back! I have great news!" she said taking my bag and motioning for me to follow her.

I followed her to the living room were she handed me a open envelope.

"Sorry it's open I couldn't help myself." She said blushing.

I looked at the front. it was addressed for me from the University of UCLA.

I looked up at her smiling and I opened the letter fast and read it outloud.

"Kelly Riyne, we would like to inform you that you have been accepted to start your year of University in 2016."

I looked up to my mom again as hugged her tightly.

"I MADE IT IN MOM" I said jumping up and down.

I applied for University while I was living with my brothers even though I was in grade 10.

I was planning on skipping grade 12 and to go strait into University because my moms friends own the University.

I knew it wouldn't be rigged either because she's the most honest person I know. If I was stupid she wouldn't let me in, but she knows how hard I work.

"I'm so proud of you honey." she said.

"I love you mom thanks for everything. Your the best mom ever." I said hugging her.

This year was the best year of my life.

I have the best boyfriend ever.

I have amazing friends.

And now I can study to be a Doctor at my dream University.

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