Chapter 14- Wait for the wedding

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"Kelly wake up." I head Allesa whisper in my ear.

"Just five more minutes." I said turning on to my side.

"Kelly your mom wants to talk to you." Allesa said.

Urge! What does she want!?

"Urge fine." I said getting out of my bed and dragging my legs to my kitchen were my mom is sitting on a stool.

"Kelly...." she started saying.

"Save it mum." I said getting a snack from the fridge for Allesa and I.

"We're moving."

I dropped the two glasses of juice not caring about the juice and glass all over the floor.

"Excuse me?" I said turning around.

"We're moving to New York near your brothers house." she said happily.

I gave her the 'you got to be kidding me' face.

"What I thought you would want to. You can see your friends Kiln, Jessie and Jacob again. isn't that good?" she asked me acting confused.

"No! Sure it would be awesome but what about my friends here! I grew up here! Do I not even get a say in this!"I shouted.

"Of course you do honey." she said while smiling.

"I don't want to move." I said crossing my arms.

"To bad! I'm getting married I'm finally living my life! We are moving and that's final."she said.

"Urge!" I said throwing my hands in the air.

"Start packing tomorrow were leaving in two weeks."she said.

"Wait you already bought a house! How long have you been planing this!?"

"Two months." she said quietly.

"Oh my god!" I said storming off to my room.

"So you're moving?" Allesa asked me one more time.

I locked myself and Allesa in my bed room for the past 30 minutes crying and her trying to calm me down.

"Yeah." I said trying not to cry.

'How will you tell Hunter?" she asked me.

"I don't know....." I said.

"Just don't leave it till the last minute. Next time you see him. Tell him." she said.

"I will. I promise."

It was the next day and I was currently in my living room ignoring my mom.

*knock knock knock*

I got up and looked at myself in the mirror first. my face was red and I HA bags under my eyes. I was wearing a pair of roots salt and pepper sweats and a gray shirt.

I sighed and opened the door.

"Hi Kelly!" Hunter said to me smiling.

"Hi Hunter." I said actually smiling for real.

"What's wrong?" he said now smiling.

"We'll I found out my moms getting married." I said.

"Really? " He said while looking confused.

"Yeah. Actually in glad you came because I needed to ask you something. " I said.

"You can ask me anything." he said. Oh my god I'm gonna miss him so much!

"I need to bring a date to the wedding.... and well I want to ask you." I said while smiling.

"Yeah of course!" He said while hugging me.

Should I tell him about me moving?

Pros- Nothing

Cons- We break up and he hates me.


"Is that it?" he asked.

"What?" I asked looking at him.

"You were staring into space for like 5 minutes." he said.

"Yeah that's it."

I will tell him on Monday.

The day of the wedding.

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