Chapter 19- New boyfriend

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I woke up to the chirps of birds from outside of my window and yawned. I tried to stand up felt someone holding onto me.

Then my memories came back from yesterday and I couldn't help but blush. After the kiss we watched TV for about an hour before he fell asleep. Then a few minutes later I fell asleep as well.

I looked at my watch and my eyes widened. If we didn't leave now we would be late!

"KILN!" I yelled.

"WHAT?!" he jumped up in bed and ran around my room.

"What's wrong?!" he asked me worriedly.

"Its 7:47!" I yelled getting up and running into my closet. Kiln followed me and I threw him some guy clothing that I always keep spare in case Jacob or Kiln sleep over.

"Thanks. He said before running to my washroom to get changed.

I quickly pulled on a white tank top with a black leather jacket as well as a pair of black and white tights with black leather boots. I grabbed my backpack and ran down stairs and bumped into Kiln putting on his shoes.

"Sorry." I said. I ran passed him and jumped into my car starting the engine, Kiln not far behind jumped into my car and I sped off to school.

When I parked the car we ran into the school just in time for the bell to ring.

We were both out of breath and we smiled at each other.

"See you at lunch." He said kissing my forehead.

"Bye." I said smiling at him. I started walking in the other direction before I heard him call my name again.

"Are we dating?" he said jogging up to me.

"Yes." I said. He grinned widely and picked me up and spun me in a circle.

"Bye Kelly!" he said running to his class.

"Bye Kiln!" I shouted before running to my class.

I barged into the door and everyone's eyes turned to look at me.

"Mrs. Riyne what's your excuse for being late?" Mrs. Borgea asked me.

"I'm sorry my mom had to go to work and she didn't wake me up. Also my alarm clock isn't un packed yet. I'm so very sorry." I said.

"Very well just don't be late again." She said nodding and smiling at me.

Lets just say im kind of a kiss up to teachers.

"Smooth." Jessie said once I sat beside her. I smirked and zoned into the teacher talking about math.

"I'm home!" I shouted when I walked through the door.

"Hi kido!" George said to me. Even though he's my new dad it's going to take some time to call him dad. And even he knows that.

"Hi George!" I said cheerfully.

"Hi Honey!" my mom said coming into the room with a rose in her hand. She placed it into a vase.

"Hi mum." I said.

"We're going to your brothers today for dinner. You can bring Kiln, Jacob, and Jessie if you would like." She said.

"Okay let me ask them." I said racing upstairs to my room.

I dialed there skype numbers for a four way conversation.

"Heyers!" I saw Jacob pop up on the screen

"Hey chica!" Jessie yelled when she popped onto the screen.

"Hey Kelly." Kiln said when he popped onto the screen.

"Jessie what are you doing?" Jacob asked her. I looked to her square and laughed. She was painting her toe nails with her foot on her desk.

"What does it look like I'm doing." She said in a duh tone. We all chuckled.

"Yeah yeah shhhh. Want to all come to my brothers for dinner tonight?" I asked them all.

"Yeah sure. What time?" Jessie asked.

"4:00." I replied back.

"Yeah I like your brothers they're cool." Jacob said.

"Of course!" Kiln said.

"Okay I'll pick you guys up in like an hour so we can hang out before." I said.

"Okay! See yeah!" Jessie said before logging out.

"Bye peoples!" Jacob said.

"Bye beautiful!" kiln said before logging out.

I was just about to close my laptop before I heard Jessie's voice.

"Woohhhhh! You and Kiln are dating!" she yelled happily.

"Yep." I said opening my screen again.

"YES! NO MORE QWEN!" she shouted doing a happy dance in her room.

"Haha yeah well I'm going to get ready. See you in about an hour." I said before logging out and closing my laptop.

I got up and went into my closet to find something to wear.

I settled on wearing my dark blue navy jeans with my white flowy top and my white sneakers. I topped it all off with a navy blue baseball cap and a silver necklace and bracelet.

I smiled at myself in the mirror and put on light makeup.

I then put on a navy blue jean jacket and skipped out of my room.

"Me and the guys are going a bit earlier to hang out. See you there!" I called out before heading to my car and driving to pick up my friends. But I couldn't get the feeling that something bad is going to happen once we arrive at my brothers.

Let's hope not.

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