Chapter 5- Makeovers

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I set up my hair dye, make up, hair straightener, hair curler, and the three pairs of contacts.

I smiled satisfied and hopped out of my room to my door and looked at my watch seeing it is 12:46 as

I heard the door bell ring.

Today was Satureday and everyday this week i have hung out with Huters group. Ever since i came everyone didn't bother to insult us or hurt us. Today I asked everyone to vome today so I could do their make up.

I opened the door to revel my new friends.

"Hey guys!" I said pulling in Hunter, his friends following him in. The all looked around my huge house is awe just like how I was when I first saw the house.

"Your house is beautiful!" Squealed Allesa. I smiled.

"Thanks." I said leading everyone up to my room.

"Okay guys just sit down. Lilly I'm going to do your makeover first." I said grabbing Lilly's hand and pulling her to my washroom where I set everything up and made her sit down. I straitened her short brown curly hair and did her make up. I took off her glasses and got out one of the contacts.

"Here put these on." I said handing her the contacts. She put them on while I turned to get the outfit I chose for her.

I smiled when I saw how she looked. I handed her the light pink dress going into my room.

"Okay guys ready to see the new Lilly?" I asked excitedly. Everyone clapped as Lilly came out of the washroom. Jeff let out a low whistle, Colton stared in shock, Nic rolled his eyes and Hunter was looking at me. I smiled at him.

"Okay who's next?" I asked. Everyone raised their hand and I chuckled. This is going to be fun.

"Okay Hunter you're next!" I said finishing of Jeff. I looked at all my friends I transformed. They are now wearing normal clothing and no longer have their glasses.

Hunter got up and followed me into the washroom and sat in the chair in the middle of the room.

"I got you some contacts. Here." I said placing the container in his hand and going to get his clothing I set out. I handed them to him as he was undoing his shoes and turned around. I heard some shuffling before he spoke up.

"I'm done." He mumbled. I turned to look at him and my heart started racing. His brown eyes were shinning and his brown hair fell just above his eyes. He was wearing a pair of dark jeans and a loose grey T shirt, and you could see his four pack slightly when he flexed. He looked amazing.

"I know I probably don't look that good." He said looking down. I sighed and lifted his face with my hand.

"Hunter you look very handsome." I said. He blushed and looked down.

"Thanks." He mumbled. I took his hand in mine and he looked up.

"I'm happy were friends." He said. My heart sank when I heard the word friends. Somewhere I hoped we would be more. I guess I formed a crush on Hunter the moment I saw him but just didn't realize it until now.

"Yeah friends." I said letting go of his hand and forcing a smile. We walked out together and everyone clapped when thy saw Hunter. He waved everyone off and went to stand beside Colton. I smiled looking at my group of messed up friends. I learned that Allesa was a goth. Lilly was a over atheistic jumpy girl. Colton loved to pull pranks, Jeff tended to flirt a lot, and Nic was a really shy goth.

"We'll now that you guys got your makeovers how about we have a party?" I said. Everyone's eyes widened and their small miles turned into huge grins. That's right. The nerds are taking over.


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