Chapter 17- Best Friends

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They all stayed silent for a while until they all tackled me into a hug.

"Oh my goodness I'm so happy! My prank buddy is back!" Kiln said while high fiving me.

"Now we'll have another girl in the group!" Jessie said.

"We have Qwen." Kiln argued back.

"Right...... Sure. But it's still so amazing to have you back!" Jessie said helping me up.

I looked at Jacob and smiled hugging him.

"And how was my J bear? Did you take good care of Jessie?" I asked.

"Of course I did K bear. What about. Is there a boy because I will have to have the talk with him." He said sternly.


I frowned.

"No. Not anymore at least." I whispered the last part.

"What was that." Jacob asked.

I was about to reply saying its nothing before I heard a squeal and someone running up the stairs.

"Oh my goshness! Kelly the kelp fish is back!" I heard Qwen yell before her hugging me tightly.

Jessie rolled her eyes and turned to talk to Jacob.

"Hi Qwen." I said hugging her back.

"Qwen how about you give Kelly some space." Jessie said.

Thanks I mouthed to her.

"Oh yes of course! Well I have to steal Kiln from you! We have a date!" she said grabbing Kilns hand and pulling him out the door.

"I'll text you later Kelly! I heard him yell before the door was closed.

I heard Jessie let out a big sigh.

"I'm glad she's gone." She said falling back onto her bed.

"She reminds me of this Barbie doll that I had. I ripped her head off." I said.

"Please feel free to rip her head off. She always takes Kiln away from our group, or try's to become 'Besties' with me. She made me go to a BALL. Not a dance. A BALL."

"She is pretty though." I said wishing I was a pretty as her.

"Yeah. Pretty annoying." Jacob said.

"Well do you guys want to go to my new house with me?" I asked getting up.

"Sure!" Jessie said jumping up. Jacob got up and Jessie jumped on his back.

"Onwards!" She said. I laughed at how she was using Jacob as a horse and lead them to my car.

I started the engine and drove out of her driveway and headed down the street to see my parents car and Blake's car.

"Oh my goodness you live down the street from me." Jessie said happily.

"Yep." I said looking at my new house.

It was a two story, much like my brothers but a lot bigger. And by a lot I mean A LOT.


The garden out front had a pond, with a bridge going over it for cars, and a small fountain in the middle of the circular driveway.

The front of the house was very antique looking, but looked clean and new at the same time.

"I'm jelly." Jacob said crossing his arms.

I laughed. "You guys can come over whenever you want." I said giving them spare keys that my parents gave to me to give Jacob. Jessie and Kiln.

"Oh my goodness really!" Jessie smiled while holding the key.

"Yes. George and my mom wanted to give them to you.

"George. That's your new dad right? My mom told me sorry we couldn't go! We had exams!" Jessie said sadly.

"No guys its fine." I said still smiling. I got out of my car followed by Jessie and Jacob.

My mom came out of the front door and hugged me.

"Welcome home honey."

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