Chapter 4- My new lunch table

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"Hi Brandon." I said waving to my xbest friend and xcrush.

"Oh my god it is you! I thought to committed suicide!" He said smiling at me. He thought I was shallow enough to try to kill my self? My smile turned into a thin line and my blood started to boil. Mr.Green seemed to sense that and spoke up.

"Okay Kelly why don't you can sit beside Hunter. He's right over-"

"Oh I knew who he is." I said skipping to Hunter and sitting beside him in the back row.

"Okay class today we aren't really going to do anything so you can just talk. But no cell phones." Said Mr.Green. See that's why he's my favourite. I turned to face Hunter.

"So what do you have after this?"I asked. He looked up startled.

"Wait your atually talking to me?" He asked. I nodded and flashed him a smile.

"Yeah I mean I might as well get to know you if I'm going to eat with your group." I said.

"Wait you were serious about sitting with us?" He asked looking at me with wide eyes. I nodded.

"Yeah! Unless you don't want me to then I guess so can sit with someone else." I said biting my lip. He shook his head fast.

"No! I want you too it's just we are the nerds and you are not a nerd." He said. I chuckled.

"I was the top nerd one year ago so zip it." I said poking his cheek. He blushed slightly and turned his head away.

"Yeah whatever." He said still embarrassed.

"So Hunter do you have any siblings?" I asked twirling my hair on my finger.

"Yeah I have a five year old brother." He said.

"Awwww! I bet he's cute like you!" I said pinching his cheeks causing him to turn red like before.

"Yeah yeah. What about you?" He asked looking into my eyes.

"Two older brothers which I lived with for the past year." I said. He nodded his hair falling in his eyes. And that moment was the perfect picture. His dark brown hair falling over his perfectly achy free pale skin and his hazel nut coloured eyes. His back was slouched which made him about half a foot shorter then his usual six foot three height. He was biting his lip which I just noticed had a piercing on the bottom lip.

"I didn't know I you had a piercing." I said examining his face. He looked up and smirked.

"I got it yesterday." He said. I nodded and smiled. Just then the bell rang and we stood up together.

"So you never answered my question what class do you have next?" I asked.

"Art." He said. I squinted my eyes at him.

"No fair! That's my favourite subject!" I whined.

"Bye Kelly!" He said while chuckling. I just stomped my way to Geography and listened through my boring class waiting for lunch.

"Hi Hunter! Hi Hunters fiends!" I chirped sitting beside Hunter placing my tray of food in front of me.

"Hey Kelly." Hunter said. I turned to Hunters five friends around the table.

"Hi I'm Kelly! I use to go here." I said holding out my hand.

"Hi I'm Allesa!" Said a cheerful looking blonde with purple tips at the end of her hair. Right away I knew we were going I be friends. She reminded me of Jessie.

"I'm Colton." Said another boy who had blue hair and blue eyes.

"OMG! I love your hair!" I said running beside him ad sitting down. I ran my hand through his hair and looked at it. Allesa chuckled. I looked at her and she motioned to Colton.

"Thanks." He mumbled. I looked at his face to see him bright red. Then I realized I was sitting on his lap running my hands through his hair. I got off him and sat beside Hunter again.

"Sorry I have a habit of sitting on people's laps." I said smiling trying to hide my blush.

"It's okay." Said Colton.

"Anywho I'm Jeff." Another guy with pink hair stuck out his hand. I looked closely to see that he looked a lot like Colton. I must of been staring a long time because a girl cleared her trout.

"That's Colton's twin brother, Jeff. Hi I'm Lilly." She said. She had short brown hair and had thin glasses resting on her nose.

"And I'm her awesome brother Nic!" Said a voice beside her. I turned my head to see an boy who looked identical to Lilly. Well beside the difference in gender.

"Hey guys." I said again.

"It's about time that We got another girl in our group. We just need one more girl to even us out." Said Lilly. I clapped my hands together.

"Oh I know just the right person!" I said digging through my bag and grabbing my phone speed dialling Jessie's number.

"Hey Girly!" She yelled into the phone.

"Hey! I made some friends and we are one girl short from our group. Can you join!?" I said.

"Yeah of corse! Any friend of yours is a friend of mine!" She said.

"Great I will send you a ticket to come next weekend?" I asked.

"Yeah can Kiln and Jacob come?" She asked. I smiled.

"Of corse!" I chirped.

"Okay luv yeah have fun!" She said into the phone.

"Okay bye!" I said back turning off my phone.

"There we go! My best friend said she can join our awesome group! She's coming over next weekend with her boyfriend and my other friend." I said simply with a smile thinking if seeing my best friends. They stared at me with their mouths open.

"What?" I asked looking around the table.

"How rich are you? You can just set it up like that? And she just agreed without knowing us?" Asked Jeff.

"Oh my brothers work on a movie set. They get free tickets form work. And Jessie is awesome she said if your my friends then you are her friends." I said slipping my phone into my bag. I stood up and threw the rest of my food away before turning to my table. I looked around to see what everyone was wearing.

Nerd glasses



Neatly combed hair

"I'm going. To give all of you guys a make over." I said finally.

Brand New Looks, Brand New AttitudeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora