Chapter 20- Hunters back. And so are old feelings

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"Oh my god I can't believe that this night went from perfect too horrible in just five minutes" I whispered to myself while sitting in a tree.

My night was going amazing until my brothers new next door neighbour knocked on the door. That's when everything was ruined.

*flash back*

"Hey guys! You're early!" Cameron said as he opened the door.

"Yeah sorry can we just chill here?" I asked.

"Yeah of course! Do you guys want to go swimming?" Blake asked walking into the room.

"Yeah! You guys want to?" I asked turning to my friends. They all nodded.

"Okay! The spare swim suits are in your old room Muffin." Cameron said.

"Okay! Thanks!" I said running to my old room with my friends following.

When I opened the door I saw that nothing has changed. Only that some of the clothing that I took with me when I moved back to San Francisco were gone. I walked into the closet and pulled out a bright red swim suit for me and a light blue one for Jessie.

I threw the guys each a pair of swim trunks that were blue and green and pushed out of the closet so Jessie and I could get changed.

Once we were changed we walked outside to the pool.

I took off my hat and pulled my hair out of the high ponytail it was originally in and dived in with Jessie. One minutes later Kiln and Jacob came in a canon balled into the pool.

We swam for about an hour before The doorbell rang.

"Hey muffin do you mind to get the door?!" I heard Cameron yell from the kitchen.

"Yeah I got it!" I yelled back getting out of the pool and rapping a towel around my body.

Good thing there house had the heating on 24 7 or else I would of froze.

"Hello." I said while opening to door to revile the one person I didn't want to ever see again.

"Kelly?" Hunter asked me. All I could do was nod and keep a straight face before her gave a huge bear hug.

"Hunter. Why are you here." I asked still showing no emotion. He frowned.

"My dad moved here. I live next door!" he said happily.

"Oh." I said.

"Kelly! Oh hey. Who's this?" Kiln asked as her walked up to me with Jessie and Jacob following him close behind.

"This is-" I said but Hunter cut me off.

"I'm Hunter. Kelly's boyfriend." Hunter said holding out his hand.

"No he's not. He's my X boyfriend. Kiln is my boyfriend. " I stated glaring at him.

Hunters grin disappeared.

"But I came here to win you back Kelly. I love you." He said.

"Well it's a bit too late. Especially after what you did." I said turning around.

"I said I'm sorry!" he said following me.

"Well sorry isn't good enough!" I yelled running out of the house into the forest beside my brother's house.

I ran and ran until I reached a tree and I started to climb it.

*flash back over*

And that's where I am now.

But the reason I ran wasn't because of Hunter being there.

Its because as soon as I saw him all my feelings for him came rushing back.

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