Chapter 6- Date or just a hang out?

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"Okay so were gonna hand out the flyers to people about the party. Allesa you go with Nic to the West side. Jeff you take the North side. Lilly, you and Hunter take the South side. Colton come with me to the East side." I said handing everyone some flyers. The all spread apart and I was left with Colton.

I started walking to the East side of the school adding flyers to people I passed when Colton spoke.

"Why did you go with me instead of Hunter?" He said. I looked up startled at the question.

"Because I wanted to pass them out with you?" I said more on a question form then an answer. He rolled his eyes.

"We both know that's not true spill." He said stopping me by grabbing my hand and turning me around.

"There's nothing to spill." I said trying not to laugh at Colton's annoyed expression.

"Kelly..." He said warningly. I sighed and looked away.

"It's because I held his hand when we did the make over and I'm afraid he doesn't like me like that." I said looking at y feet. Colton chuckled and I looked up an glared at him. How is this funny!

"Kelly everyone can tell her likes you. He just never dated before so he doesn't know what o do." Colton said. My hears perked up at the sound of Hunter liking me. I tried to hide my grin but it was obviously noticeable.

"And by your smile its obvious you like him. Just give him time." He said patting my shoulder. I smiled at him an hugged him.

"Thanks Colton." I said and pulled back. He smile at me and ruffled my hair.

"Anytime Kelly. Your like my little sister" he said. I grinned at him before we walked in silence for about twenty minutes.

We had five flyers left over from fifty-three and high fived each other as the others came over. All of them had grins and we all high fived each other together is a circle as the bell rang. We all laughed and said good bye to each other and headed to our own class.

I started to walk to class when Hunter caught up and followed in step with me.

"So Kelly I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today?" He asked. Wait as in a date! Wait he said hang out. Is that a date? What if it is and I go casual! Or what if it isn't and I go formal! I just nodded and smiled at him.

"Sure." I said. I'll just ask Jessie about it when I get home I decided.

"Okay great i'll pick you up at five." He said. I grinned and opened the door to our class room. The teacher rolled his eyes.

"Why thanks or joining us." Said Mr. Green. I smiled.

"Your welcome." I said back. He smirked and motioned me to sit down. I nodded and pulled Hinter with me to the back of the classroom and made him sit beside me. I dropped his hand and places my elbows not the table and listened to the lesson, trying to hold my blush from seeing Hunter staring at me from the corner of my eye.

"We'll hello nerd." Sneered Kathryn. I sighed. I really am too tired to fight back.

"Kathryn, just because Im smarter then you it doesn't make me a nerd." I tried to emplane

"Yes it does and your not smarter then me." She said. I laughed at that. She just proved my point.

"If your smarter then me then doesn't that mean your a bigger nerd then me?" I said smirking. She gasped and went to hit me. I grabbed her hand before she got my face. She tried to hit me with her other hand and I just simply grabbed that one too. You could tell by the expression on her face she was pissed off. I smirked.

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