Chapter 11- Allesa help

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"Hi Kelly! Hi Hunter! How was it with your brothers?" Allesa asked Hunter and I as we rolled our suitcases towards her.

"Hey! It was really fun" I said waving with my free hand at her.

"That's good." She said then we eyes traveled to mine and Hunters intwined hands.

"Oh my lord of Jesus you guys are dating." She said.

Are we dating? I mean after the kiss we jut talked about stuff like school. But he never asked me to be his girlfriend.

But we went in a date. And we kissed so I guess...

Oh my flying monkey we are dating!

"Yep." Hunter said bringing me closer to him.

"Aww that's so cute! Anyway Kelly I signed you up for the dance queen, we will have to go shopping, I need to teach you how to walk, we have to..."

"Wait what! Allesa I don't want to be queen." I said crossing my arms.

"It's not up for arguments. You are running for queen." She said crossing her arms back at me.

"How is there even a queen. That's just for prom and that's two ears away." I argued back.

"Actually starting this year every grade gets their own prom." Hunter said shyly.

"Oh." I said stupidly. Allesa'a face grew out into a huge smirk.

"Yep. And don't worry you don't have to do anything but show up." She said waving her hand at me.

"Really then? Are you going to do all the work?" I asked while smirking. My smirk dropped when she replied.

"Yep. Now go get in the car." She said waving to we're her parents car was.

Hunter helped out in my luggages and climbed in the back with me.

The drive was silent so I did some thinking.

Me prom queen? I mean am I even pretty enough? And how will Allesa do everything by her self? What if I lose and get laughed at. Oh no I don't want that again! That's the whole reason I changed. To get back at them.

Well now that I think about it, it's the perfect way to get back at them!

"I'll do it." I said finally to Allesa.

"I said you were going to anyway but thanks or making it easier. I thought I would have I kidnap you to do your makeup." She said.

I chuckled and laid my head on Hunters arm before I fell asleep.

"We're back." I heard Hunters smooth voice and his soft hand cover mine.

I yawned and stretched before looking out the window to see I was at Allesa'a house.

"Why are we here?" I asked confused.

"Prom is next Monday! We have to practice!" Yelled Allesa. I glared at her.

"But I'm tired!" I whined.

"Don't worry we aren't doing much today." She said.

We all got out of the car and Allesa waved to Hunter and I have him a quick kiss before he started walking home around the corner.

Once we got to Allesa's room she turned to me.

"Show me your walk." She said. I gave her a weird look and walked how I usually would and she let out a heavy sigh.

"Honey. Put on leg in front of the other. It sways your hips more. Model do it all the time." She said. I gave her a look and walked how she instructed me to.

"Better. Needs work but we will work on that tomorrow. Now show me your smile."

I smiled at her and she nodded in approval.

"Good enough for today. Now go into my closet and pick out the outfit which you would think looks the best." She said.

I nodded and walked into we closet. It was massive! It had every piece of clothing a girl would want.

After about five minutes I came back with a dark gray loose top and light gray jeans.

"No no no! Well yes it's cute but this is prom you idiot!" She said grabbing the clothing from me and throwing it across her neat room.

She grumbled something about me not knowing how to dress like royalty and marched into her closet.

Three minutes later she came out with something in a bag and shoes.

"Here. The washroom is there. Shoo!" She sati pushing me to the washroom and handing me the bag and shoes.

I turned to look at her bathroom. It was beautiful! I took out the dress and stared wide eyed at it.

"Umm. Allesa I don't think this will look good on me." I said.

"What are you talking about its a beautiful dress!" She said.

"Exactly! I can't pull this off!!" I said back through the door.

"Kelly put on the dress or else I will come in there and shove it on you." She threatened. I gulped and started to put in the dress.

Once it was on I gasped. I look beautiful. The dress fit perfectly and wasnt to short and not to long. It was perfect.

(AN: I'm not gonna say how it looks so I dont spoil it for the actual dance.)

I slipped not the heels and walked out into her bedroom.

"You owe me ten bucks." She said looking me over.

"What why!?" I asked.

"Because you look absolutely stunning!" She said. I blushed.

"Really?" I asked shyly.

"Yes really. Now I think that's enough for today. Tomorrow after school come over." She said.

I nodded and went to change back into my clothing and left her house.

On the way to my house I just couldn't stop thinking about prom.

Being queen.

Dancing with Hunter.

Dancing with my friends.

Kissing Hunter.

Wearing that dress.

Calling Jessie and telling her everything.

I just can't wait for prom.


AN: short i know. I have writers block though!

I'm busy until school starts and when school starts in going to be really into my study's so I won't post often:(.

This is dedicated to @PiinkL

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