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Harry walks into Mrs Maths class. He scans around and frowns because where is everyone? Not that it is empty but his friends are not there. By friends he means his bastard friends he loathes. He scans again to check if he knows anyone and sure enough he does, such as the brunette girl who wanted to have sex with him yesterday, or that boy who asked to borrow his car to impress his girlfriend, or Louis...Louis!

His eyes light up and heads to Louis sitting two rows from the back seat. He plops down on the chair beside him and Louis turns to him, his smile fluttering Harry's heart.


"Hey," greets Louis, "I heard you had a sick party yesterday."

"Yeah, I guess," he shrugs. He shuts his eyes from yesterday's near-suicidal attempt. He takes deep breath and asks what Louis did yesterday.

"I was reading The Great Gatsby," Louis says, showing Harry the book that McKenzie showed him two nights ago when she broke into his attic.

"Hmm. I like that book. My favorite really, it reminds me a little bit of my life."

His interest perks up. "In what way?"

"I like big parties," jokes Harry. "But in a serious manner, Gatsby was ambitious and rightfully so, great because he was worth the whole damn bunch. No matter what anyone thinks I think he did get the green light he just didn't know it."

"How?" Louis asks. "He never got the girl."

"But what he did for the girl is what matters. He moved the earth just to see a smile on her face. Even when he lost her he still loved her, and it didn't matter how much time passed between Jay and Daisy, Gatsby still loved her."

"She was a bitch," Louis shrugs. Harry cackles, nodding in agreement. Gigi walks in as they are talking about the book and she sits a row in front of them and turns around in her stool chair. She asks them if they have seen Zayn.

"Nope," answers Harry and he could care less.

"I swear he came to school, like his car was parked in the morning. Do you think he is dumping me? I mean it will make sense, I didn't have sex with him, instead I found Filipe."

"Who is Filipe?" Louis asks. Gigi blinks at him and turns her head back to Harry.

"Have you heard?" she asks and Harry shakes his head. Louis lowers his head pretending not to listen to Gigi. "Rumor has it that Taylor's parents are getting a divorce. I mean they were perfect together, apart from the cheating scandals, failed politic ambitions, and boob jobs, but they had one of the Rolls Royce that only five other people in the world own, so why get a divorce? Did you know?"

"No I didn't."

Gigi tucks her blond strand of hair behind her ear. "Hmm. McKenzie knew somehow. Well that's what Taylor told me, she said she knew this was McKenzie's fault that they are getting a divorce, something about sucking dicks. And she cut her hair!"

"What?" Louis asks surprised.

"Everybody cuts their hair," Harry says. Louis rolls his eyes because that is not why he is surprised.

"Rumor has it Niall's future is in jeopardy," she says. She removes a nail file from her purse and starts filing her glossy, manicured nails. "Apparently, according to Chuck, no Ivy League school will ever want him because get this, he sent an email to Harvard saying that he didn't like their school, hated their crap, and attached a photo of his dick."

"What?" Harry feigns surprise. Of course he knew this because he was there with McKenzie when she wrote the email to Harvard. "I'm shocked, it's unlike Niall."

"I know right," she says. "And guess what? Nick is in rehab."


"Overdose on coke," she shrugs. "I don't care really. Nick is not the type to, you know, be friends with. I always knew that he had some issue, more sexual issues but really? A drug addiction? On cocaine nonetheless? Wow! People do surprise you once they go M.I.A for one month."

"Where did he go?" asks Louis.

Harry answers him knowing Gigi would not. "Cuba."


"Nobody cares," she says, her voice a little loud. "I am worried about Zayn. He hasn't called me, he was last seen with Brittany who, by the way, rumor has it she and McKenzie aren't best friends anymore. She wrapped her car with saran paper."

"What?" asks Louis surprised. Harry bites down on his lip, stopping himself from chuckling.

Gigi continues, "But anyway, you know how Brittany opens her legs for anyone with a yatch? She did have sex with Zayn, I'm surer now than ever. I don't know why Zayn would cheat on me with that skank! You know she has Maths right now, I'll go see her."

"See her why?"

"To punch a bitch!" she almost screams at Harry. She huffs and puffs out of the class. Mrs Maths is still a no show

"So rumor has it..."

"Not you too," Harry groans, turning to see Louis chuckling a little. "You're messing with me aren't yah?" Louis mumbles a maybe I am. "Well you get to ask me this once."

"Okay," Louis says determinedly. "What's with you and that red headed girl?"

"Who, Diana?"

"Yeah, she your girlfriend?"

Harry shakes his head. "No, she is more of a thing to keep Taylor away from me."

"Like a beard?" he asks.

"But without the gay part. I mean I am but like it's not, I'm more of a bisexual male, but then I could not be—"

"Chill Harry," chuckles Louis. "I don't care if you are gay, it's cool that you are but it shouldn't define everything that you are. But why not just, I don't know, dump Taylor?"

"I did." Harry nods, feeling more relaxed. "Except that is not how it works. You can't be single. You break up you need to find someone to hold your arm around, to keep off the bitches like Taylor. Diana and I are just sex objects to each other, nothing more. Plus she thinks I'm hot."

"The only thing I've understood in is Diana. Don't you just want a true, normal relationship?"

"I'm not looking for a relationship now," says Harry and quietly adds, "I'm too busy being lost to fall for someone new."

"Same here," agrees Louis. Harry bites down on his bottom lip, stopping himself from smiling too hard. It is really easy talking to Louis, unlike his assholes of friends. Anything goes when he is with Louis and he likes that.


yaaY THEY IS talking

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