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harry quickly ducks his head when his mother throws the bottle of wine at him. he turns around, grumbling underneath his voice, to find his tipsy mother wagging her perfectly manicured index finger his way. she takes a step towards him, wobbling a little, her hand clutching the kitchen counter.

"where do you think you're going?" she mutters.


"you're not leaving this conversation until you swear on your my mother's grave that you're getting back with taylor!"

harry turns around and does not open his mouth. with his brows scrunched in the middle, he listens to his mother talking, her words slurring in between from drinking more than her fair share of the wine bottle.

"stop anne." he lets out a small gasp as this is a surprise to him. and anne as well who is wide-eyed staring at her son. "just stop."

"are you talking to your mother like this?" she asks him, her mouth in a fowl scowl. "i didn't raise a good-for-nothing son that talks back at his own parents. do you know much we have done? what we've sacrificed just so you could be who you are today?" her voice is high-pitched, her hands doing theatrics in the air. "do you have any idea?"

"do you have any idea?" he throws back at his mother. all these years he has been holding back but not today, all that ends now, all the chains and anchors. he quickly sees the anger shaking through his mother's body, her knuckles as white as the kitchen walls.

"do you think more money is going to fix this?" he asks rhetorically. "you think more pounds in my bank account will make me better? or more money in my trust fund, mother?

"how about for once in your life you stop being drunk when talking to me because it would be so nice to talk to you, like a normal person, but you're either tipsy or drunk, or too hangover to bond with your only son.

"or even being around. you're never here mother. you're always partying with your single friends, going on cruise ships across the mediterranean or summat, sipping expensive champagne and complaining how father made you have a child way too early.

"maybe if you spent more time with me, listened to me, took me along whenever you took gemma to shopping trips, or even asked father to take me when he took niall drinking for the first time, teaching niall, instead of me, to drive in father's favorite ferrari, or teaching him to playing golf or was it tennis? i don't even give a fook anymore because it's gone.

"how about being proud of me. i mean i got into harvard fair and square, no dirty tricks, no sexual favors, no bribes, nothing. i got in on my own merit yet you and father disregard that because oh no, dare i break up with taylor! heaven forbid i get a good education from an ivy league because you'd rather me marry the swift name. and by the way, when were you ever going to tell me that if i married her i'd be taking her name? why do you and father want me to be harry swift more than harry styles?"

he takes a sigh glancing at his mother's unreadable expression on her face. "not new maids, or new cars, more money in my bank account, changing my last name to fit your expectations, new rolex watches or even what you call bonding by drinking a thousand cocktails as i drag your drunken body out of the party, is going to fix me. you won't get to know me by doing these things because these things aren't me."

his mother speechless for the first time in his life. her body is stiff, not moving right, or left, even by a centimeter.

"you know i think this is the longest you and i have ever talked," he notes blankly.

"bonding," she says simply. she takes a swig of her wine bottle and walks away from her son and out in the sunny verandah and swings on the hammock. harry lets out a low growl, holding it out until he runs out of breath. he storms out of the kitchen, not noticing mckenzie standing by the kitchen door and takes one of his father's jaguar's for a ride on the highway.

his phone dings, a message from louis. it reads:

LOUIS: I finally got round to making my Death Star. It looks awesome!!

turns out he had several from him.

LOUIS: *attached image file 112KB*

LOUIS: This one is better !

LOUIS: *attached image 201KB*

LOUIS: Yes ! I literally took like 40 photos before making it a perfect photo. CLAP FOR ME STYLES!! I THINK IM TURNING INTO A TYPICAL WHITE GIRL ON INSTAGRAM =D

LOUIS: Fizzy said my Death star is a waste of time and humanity. Guess who's boyfriend is not coming over for a movie tonight?

LOUIS: Have you eaten ?

LOUIS: I had pasta (surprise surprise) with guess what?



LOUIS: A FRIGGIN BANANA !! HONESTLY I think I was smiling so hard at the table my dad thought I was high

LOUIS: I miss you.

LOUIS: I whale you !


LOUIS: But really, I miss you.

LOUIS: I meant what I told you yesterday, about second chances. AND EVERYTHING ELSE SUNSHINE <3

LOUIS: Please don't shut me out. Not now. Not ever.

HARRY: I whale you too.


harry throws his phone on the passenger seat and drives into the highway yet again. he presses his foot all the way down on the gas pedal, trying as much as possible to drive away his anger.


hey darlings! been long, hasn't it? /=

stupid OXFORD definitions @ stylinson auWhere stories live. Discover now