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"i heard something the other day," harry says handing the cashier his credit card. louis nods for him to continue. "not really heard but watched on tv. not really tv but more like laptop—"

harry's shopping buddies need to be greatly changed. greatly. his first shopping buddy by default has always been taylor, his ex-girlfriend. his second one is mckenzie but she is too busy sucking someone's rich penis so she is never available. his other is liam but liam is not much of a shopper and then his list ends there. sure if he asked any girl in school they would happily accompany him shopping for the july debutant ball but it would all be a bore for him, maybe apart from cathy who he finds witty.

"laptop?" louis questions. "what happened to your home cinema?"

harry smiles at the cashier who returns his credit card. he informs the cashier, sandra, that his chauffeur shall be picking up his garments in five minutes. harry is starting to think that perhaps louis should be at the top of his shopping buddies, perhaps louis should have been at the top this whole time. if only he met him earlier.

he replies to him, "sometimes it gets boring watching something on a big screen."

"what were you watching?" asks louis. he sits down on a circular stone seat while harry placies his knuckles above his skinny jeans waistband. "what? i'm exhausted. honestly, there are better things to be doing on a saturday afternoon that shop for the debutant ball next month."

"last minute shopping is for lazy pigs," harry spits. he wants to sit near louis but opts for standing before him, slowly sipping his cold, blue slushie.

"oi!" louis calls out, "what did you watch?"

"oh right." harry nods, taking his lips off the straw. "i was watching this series called touch and since you're a big believer in love at first sight—"

louis protests. "i am not!"

harry nevertheless continues. "they talked about the whole world being controlled by numbers and the ratio of those numbers is the same. however they talked about something linked to fate and destiny, and all that crap. they said there is an ancient chinese myth about the red thread of fate that believes the gods have tied a red thread around our ankles and it is attached to all the people we are destined to touch. it may be stretched, tangled but it'll never break because like you always say, you can't stop fate."

"you really can't," louis beams up at him. "but no, i've never heard of the red fate. it's beautiful really."

he slurps his slushie. "it is."

"what's the show called?"

"touch. we can... should... ," his gaze falls to several people walking to some shop to his right side, "if you want to, like, watch it together."

"if it's about two people finding each other because it's their fate, you know i'm all over it," louis giggles, "is it though?"

"yeah," harry cheerily nods, "this autistic kid reads numbers like how we read letters and the numbers are somehow like stamps of fate, whoever had the same number is bound to meet with the other."

"but how were you watching touch instead of house of cards?"

"meh," harry shrugs, his lips curved around the black straw. "i took a break from house of cards."

"if i do know you well," louis smiles, standing before harry, "you are a house of cards person not a new girl sort of lad."

harry chuckles, turning his back from louis and walking forth. louis rolls his eyes, getting off the stone seat, and walking in par with the taller british boy. "you literally watched all the three seasons over and over again, and again, you even mumble some of frank's script when he talks."

stupid OXFORD definitions @ stylinson auWhere stories live. Discover now