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louis lives by his mantra which is "live in the moment." how he came to this mantra? he does not remember but it has helped him live life to the fullest. it comes in handy whenever he needs a burst of confidence, nothing but that.

sometimes all you need is 20 seconds of insane courage – literally 20 seconds of embarrassing bravery; something great will come out of it. this is why he is ringing harry's doorbell on a thursday after school after borrowing a lift from trisha's car. it is niall's but he let her borrow it.

the door opens and it's a man donned in a navy suit and louis assumes it is the butler. he asks for harry and the butler nods his head slightly and silently directs louis to harry's bedroom. with his palm, he shows him the door and then leaves him alone in the white corridor. he takes a deep breath and opens it.

immediately a groan emerges from beneath the white sheets, "go away! i didn't call for you."

he clears his throat, "it's me. louis." harry flips his bed sheets and stares at the boy dressed in adidas (what a surprise), tank top, and vans on his feet. louis loves the sleepy face harry has on, and not to mention a toned chest. "your butler let me in."

"he shouldn't have," harry groans. he falls back onto the bed. louis, still in his bubble of "live in the moment" walks on the other side of harry's bed and hops on it, leaning against the bed frame.

"you didn't come to school today," says louis, after moments of silence. "or the day before."

"i was busy."

"i called, texted and still no reply. i had to ask liam where you were," explains louis. harry turns his head and gazes up at him. "i was worried about you harry." harry goes back to staring up at the ceiling. "i'm serious, i really was."

"i don't believe you."

"so worried i even asked taylor. and i didn't get much from them. they soaked my shoes in the pool so had to go home with wet footsteps and curious onlookers but what can you do?" louis lets out a forced chuckle and he swears he sees harry's lip tug upward. "i asked liam and he finally told me."

harry remains quiet.

"you told everyone where you were going but not me?" he questions him. "i honestly thought we were friends and friends tell each other everything. it's not fair to me if you leave anytime you feel like without a heads up, or pack your bags and drive in your bentley or range because life is shitty."

"everybody leaves eventually," harry points out disinterestedly. "and why does it matter to you? we just started knowing each other."

"that's true but i'm not your girlfriend, or niall, or zayn, liam heck even mckenzie," says louis. his eyes are fixated on harry's face, staring at the hairs on his brows. "you think no one cares mainly because nobody ever has but you're wrong. all i ask is if we are to stay friends that you tell me when you're leaving...if you want to...be friends i mean...if not then it's cool too...i hope not becau—"

"i do," harry tells him quietly. "and i'm sorry i didn't tell you it's just that i get really frustrated when i'm around my father." his breath hitches. "he thinks i'm not worthy of his love, admiration and company."

"why not? you're a whole lot better than all your friends."

"but they've gotten accepted into ivy leagues."

"so have you," says louis, "oxford. then was it princeton?"

"it's harvard or yale, nothing else." harry sits up on his bed and tells louis he does not wish to talk about this anymore. he would rather go to bed.

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