Oh look...I've been tagged

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Oh hey, so I was tagged by a couple of people so I guess I'll do this thing. (If I don't I'm pretty sure deputyjparrish  will come after me.)  So I was actually gonna answer all of the questions that I was tagged in or whatever since I was only tagged twice, but I can't find the other questions so if that was you I apologize.... :/ but anyways, let's do this thing.

Thirteen Facts about me:

1) I'm really bad at coming up with facts about myself :)

2) One time I saw the Jonas Brothers in concert and literally cried at their presence. (still love my jobros loads, always will.)

3) I'm a HUGE Stydia shipper, fight me. (unless we're talking about Stiles and Autumn bc let's be real....endgame)

4) Sam Winchester is my babe, I'm Supernatural af.

5) I met one of my best friends on here so shoutout to Wattpad (and Teen Wolf).

6) Laur is amazing and her and Dean winchester are destined (lol story title reference check it out, friends) to be together so if reality hopping could become a thing so that can happen that would be great. This fact isn't really about me, it's just a fact...and this is what you get when you ask Laurien for help on your facts lol.

7) I just got a ukulele and I'm extremely addicted to playing it. (and addicted to online shopping...it's becoming a problem)

8) Food = loml

9) I'm 5sos af, I literally can't wait for slfl.

10) I'm a klutz. I've broken both of my thumbs on a scooter, got a concussion by trying to run backwards playing tag in the dark (yes tag) I um  fell backwards and my head hit directly on a metal chair, my elbow just by falling lolz, sprained my ankle in a grocery store (flip flops and a wet floor don't go well together), and broke my foot playing basketball....wow.

11) I used to be terrified of rollercoasters or certain rides, like I would get physically sick when I would be in line for them and then bail. But, now I can pretty much ride anything so that's cool...

12) Concerts are my favorite, literally wanna go to as many gigs as possible.

13) I wanna travel a ton (Anywhere in the US, UK etc.) and then eventually possibly move to Chicago, California, or New York some day.

Questions from @voidgrimes

1) Celebrities you want to meet?

Honestly, too many to count so here's a few...5sos, ATL, FOB, the Supernatural cast, the Teen Wolf cast, Ryan Gosling, Ryan Reynolds, Halsey, Melanie, and now I'm too lazy to add more soooo yeah...

2) Phone Background?

Luke Hemm Hemm

3) Book you are currently reading?

ummmmm I guess if we're talking about a physical book, I'm trying to read The Maze Runner but failing bc the internet and my phone distract me.

4) Favourite TV characters?

I'm horrible at picking favorites whyyyyyy

Sam and Dean (and everyone else like Bobby and Castiel. Let's be real, the whole cast is amazing. Like can we just take a moment and talk about the Ghostfacers?)

Scott and Stiles (Lydia and Allison etc etc etc the entire cast is incredible I suck at this.)

5) Favourite movie characters?

Ummmmmmmm idek who to put....my brain isn't working rn. 

6) OTP?

Stydia, Allie, Birwin, etc etc and then all the people I ship myself with lolz 😏. 

7) NOTP?

Dean and Lisa bc delaurien. (but honestly it was so cute to see Dean and Ben like omfkjhasdfhasdf.)

8) U Liar or a truther?

(Drake and Josh reference? maybe? if so YES.) I'm a truther.

9) Favorite Fanfics?

ANYTHING by deputyjparrish, I love mivhaelclifford's Imagines, Desolate by taileilei, and there's a ton of stories that were super good that I've read but I just literally stopped reading for some reason like I really need to get back to reading those. 

10) Hair and eye colour?

Right now it's dark brown with red tips, and my eye color is brown as well (sometimes really light brown depending on the day).

11) Anything you are admittedly hipster about?


12) Special talents?

I mean, I sing a lot...does sleeping, eating,  jamming to music, and binge watching tv shows count as special talents? 

13) Star Sign and opinion on it?

It's pretty cool being an aries.

Idk who to tag so um....

peace out

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