Chapter 10 - Baby Names & Hospital Trips

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-3 months later-

Charlie's POV

So right now Meghan is currently 8 months pregnant with the twins and we think we just got the perfect names for them.

Baby A; The boy: Michael Charlie Puth
Baby B; The Girl: Charlotte Meghan Puth

We thought it would be cool to give the babies our names as middle names.

And everyone loves the names and thinks there perfect.

And Meghan and I are pretty much prepared for what's gonna happen in the future and ready for when the twins come.

(A/n true fact twins usually come a couple weeks earlier then their due date. I only know that cause I took a baby class at school)

Usually these past few weeks as Meghan's belly keeps getting bigger she's mostly staying home cause it's harder to move around and drive cause she has short legs and if she moves the chair up in the car her belly ends up touching the steering wheel so usually when we go out and about she's always with someone or me.

Meghan's POV

But anyways we just had our baby shower yesterday and we just had family and a few friends not much a lot of the clothes were from Charlie's mom since Charlie's siblings are twins and they're obviously boy and girl and that's why I'm having twins is because twins run in Charlie's family.

Yeah so I mean Charlie and I are ready for the twins for whenever they come any day now. Their bedrooms are all set up and everything.

And Charlie and I just can't wait for them to be here especially me since Charlie has been at the studio a lot more for recording music, and doing a few shows here in LA that I get kind of lonely but at least they'll be here anyway now.


-4 hours later-

Charlie's POV

So I just got home about an hour ago from the studio cause I'm finishing up my album and Meghan does not feel good, she has been getting constant contractions and such and I'm actually kind of worried.

"Hey Charlie what if they came this week since my contractions are really bad" Meghan asked me as I started to rub her feet cause they were probably really sore.

"Honestly babe, that would be amazing because then that way you hopefully wouldn't be in as much pain and they would be here" I told her as she was trying to relax as much as possible.

"Yeah that's true this is probably one of the things that sucks about being pregnant and especially with twins" Meghan said as she made faces saying she was hurting a bit.

"Yeah, well, are you hungry or need any pain medicine?" I asked her as she nodded her head yes.

"Ok what do u want babe?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen.

"Uh can I try some Advil to see if this will help and just a glass of water please" Meghan asked.

I just said ok grabbed the medicine, a glass of water and handed it to her.


So right now Meghan and I were watching Netflix snuggled up against each other and just having a lazy night and enjoying our selfs cause we probably won't be able to do this as much in the future.

Mr. and Mrs. Puth (Meghan Trainor and Charlie Puth - Marlie)Where stories live. Discover now