Chapter 14 - Christmas

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Meghan's POV

I woke up to the smell of food being cooked.

I got up and noticed Charlie wasn't in bed so I got out of bed and headed downstairs.

I saw Charlie making some eggs and bacon.

I also noticed the babies laying next to each other on the floor having baby talk with each other which is basically squealing and such.

I walked up behind Charlie and hugged him.

"Morning baby." Charlie said as he turned around and kissed me.

"Morning babe. Merry Christmas!!"
I said then went into the living room to play with one of the babies.

I picked up Charlotte first and she had thee biggest smile on her face.

I tickled her and played with her for a little then traded off with Michael.

After about 5 minutes I herd Charlie grabbing some plates so I set Michael down next to Charlotte.

I saw Charlie preparing two plates for us. So I got us some coffee made and set it down at the table.

After we ate we decided to open presents.

I got Charlie an Apple Watch that he's been wanting for ever.

And then Charlie got me the missing band part of my wedding ring.

And then we opened stuff from our family and friends.

After opening our presents we sat cuddled and watched some of our favorite Christmas movies until our family came over for Christmas dinner.

Once our family came over we all played some family tradition games and just hung out.

We ate dinner and then continued to watch some of our favorite Christmas movies.

After watching about 2 movies our family left and Charlie and I went  and put the babies back to bed.

After the babies were asleep we got into bed and just sat there and talked about life and such.

We pretty much talked until we both fell asleep.


Hey guys. Soooooo sorry I haven't updated in like forever but I've been super busy with volleyball and school that I'm like barley on my phone anymore and finally found some time to update. And sorry it's super short because the next couple chapter are gonna be a lot better!


Mr. and Mrs. Puth (Meghan Trainor and Charlie Puth - Marlie)Where stories live. Discover now