Chapter 24 - Crazy Summer Life

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*2 months later*

The twins are out for the summer and they've never been this excited for something, besides for getting a baby brother.

And Carter is now 2 months old and he's just been such a little sweet heart he never really cries and when he wants something he kind of just fusses for it but he's super calm and just sleep a lot.

And our fandoms have been soooo supportive for us and super patient with Charlie for new music cause he hasn't released in over a year but he's been working really hard on some new stuff for everyone.

But life has been pretty good these past 2 months with Carter finally here and Charlotte & Michael have been the best helpers ever like they're better then my actual siblings.

Oh and another exciting thing is that Mikaela, Charlie's sister is about to have her baby any day now and it was a little earlier then expected so tonight we're packing up flying out to NJ tonight to go to the hospital and also so we can visit Charlie's family.

We were just about done packing the kids stuff so we can leave. Cause we're getting there about 3 hours earlier cause it's always super busy and you never know if you could miss your flight, and it's LA, LA is busy AF 24/7 and we also never know how much traffic theirs gonna be.

We were just finished packing all the kids' stuff and I went back into my room to make sure I have everything I need for the next week or 2.

I walked around the house to make sure everything was clean, all the doors and windows locked.

Charlie was taking all of our luggage out to the car while I went and got all the kids downstairs and got them buckled into all their seats and we left for the air port.


Once we arrived to the air port we went and found our check in desk for our private flight company were taking.

We checked in all the bags and the twins' car seats except Carter's.

Once we checked in we got recorded by security so we don't get mobbed or anything and we went to a back way for security check.

After that we went to our gate and waited for about 30 min or so until they called us up to scan our tix and get on the plane.

There was only about 3 other people on the plane since it was a private jet/flight.

Once we got on Charlie buckled in Carter's car seat and made sure Michael & Charlotte were good while sitting and Charlie & I went and sat in the row next to them.

We waited about 20 min before the plane took off.

By the time the plane took off all the kids were asleep so I decided to take a nap.

Charlie grabbed my hand cause he was a little frightened of planes. I then put my head on his shoulder and fell asleep


I was woken up by Charlie saying that we had landed in NJ.

I grabbed Carter, and Charlie made sure that Charlotte & Michael were coming along and we grabbed out carry on bags.

I put Carter's car seat in the stroller and we walked until we found Charlie's mother their waiting for us.

"Mom!!!" Charlie said, went up and hugged her as I came up behind her.

"Hi Mrs. Puth it's nice to see you again" I said as I have her a hug.

"You too, how have you guys been?" She asked.

"We've been good, Carter has been just the sweetest little thing ever" I said as Charlie's mom grabbed Charlotte & Michael's hand and we started walking towards baggage claim.

"That's a good thing, so it hasn't been super stressful just a little harder since their's now 3 of them" Charlie's mom said.

"Yeah just a little of the twins are listening or not throwing fits then life is a lot easier on us but everything's been good so far" Charlie said as we arrived to our baggage claim and we grabbed all of our stuff.

Charlie's mom helped us grab all of our stuff and we walked out to her car.

It was a big family sized car so it could fit everyone.

While Charlie set up all the kid's car seats and got them in Charlie's mom & I put all the luggage in the back of the car.

Charlie's mom sat in the back with Carter while Charlie & I sat up from and he drove to the house so we can drop everything off.

We arrived, unloaded everything, and headed to the hospital.

Once we arrived we walked in and got so many welcomes and such since a lot of people recognized who we were.

We finally got to Mikaela's room.

We knocked and walked in.

"Hi!!!! Aw guys I've missed you so much!!" Mikaela said as we walked up to her and gave her a hug.

"We missed you too! How has your life been?" Charlie asked as we sat down and Charlotte & Michael climbed up to the bed and sat by her feet.

"It's been good, in about 3 months were getting married!!!!" Mikaela said as she showed us her ring.

"Oh my gosh!!!! When did he propose??" I asked getting all excited.

"It was actually last night at the near by beach, and once we got home and getting into bed my water broke and that's when we called you and we just so excited about the baby coming that we decided to wait to tell everyone" Mikaela said.

"Aww, congrats tho, were soo happy for you" I said as I grabbed Charlie's hand and laced our hands together and we talked for a little while longer, and Mikaela got to see Carter for the first time.

We just hung out until it was time but just tonight wasn't the time so we waited their all night while Charlie's mom took Charlotte & Michael back to the house.


Hey guys!!! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, besides that thank you note.....anyways I hope you enjoyed sorry if it was boring af I'm kind of running out of ideas for the last 6 chapters.

So if you have any ideas for the last 6 chapter comment on what you think should happen!!

And don't worry I'm gonna be making a sequel book for this!!!

So don't forget to comment some ideas!!! And don't forget to vote if you liked it!


Mr. and Mrs. Puth (Meghan Trainor and Charlie Puth - Marlie)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang