Chapter 22 - Baby Puth #3 Gender Reveal

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1 month Later

Meghan's POV

So today I'm 21 weeks pregnant, and that means I have a ultra sound to find out the gender of baby #3!!

And Charlie and I have never been so excited for the little blessing to come into our lives.

And the twins have never been happier either. We also got some exciting news!! Charlie's sister is getting married soon...and she's also pregnant!!!

And we're so excited to become an aunt/uncle!! And Michael and Charlotte have been super excited to become older siblings and to become cousins!!

So our lives are slowly changing but getting more & more exciting.


So right now I'm getting ready for my doctors appt. and we decided this appt. to take the twins cause they've never been and we never spend a lot of time with them. And we also decided that after the doctors were gonna go and spend a family day together and do fun stuff.

"Alright Charlie will you go get the kids into the car?" I asked as I walked out of the bathroom from putting a little bit of makeup on.

"Sure thing babe" he said and got up walked over to me and gave me a kiss on the lips.

"Ok I'm gonna get dressed real quick then I'll be down there" I said and he just nodded his head saying ok.

So I grabbed a pair of jeggins that were a light blue color, I grabbed my black converse and a black shirt that was a little tight so I could show off my baby bump that's gotten bigger within the last 4/5 weeks.

I grabbed my phone off my bed side table and put it into my purse and headed downstairs and walked into the garage to find Michael running around while Charlie was buckling Charlotte into her car seat.

"Hey come here buddy, let's get into the car" I said as I closed the garage door and held his hand and walked over to the other side of the car.

"Mommy daddy, can we get ice cream later today?" Charlotte asked with a cute smile on her face.

"If you behave well, then daddy and I will think about it princess" I said as Michael was climbing into his car seat and I buckled him in.
I then walked to the other side of the car and got into the passenger seat.

"Alright you guys ready to find out the gender of your new sibling?" Charlie said and looked in the back of the car at the twins.

"YEAH!!!" They both said in unison.

"Alright let's go if they're ready then I'm ready" I told Charlie as he started pulling out of the garage and as we pulled out Charlie grabbed my hand and drove to the doctors.


We were currently in the room and the doctor was getting ready to spread the gel all over my belly and the twins were behaving so good I kid you not they just sat their just watching everything.

Charlie sat next to me as I laid down on the bed thingy.

And the twins sat next to Charlie on two separate chairs.

"Alright you guys ready to see what your little siblings is going to be?" My doctor asked Charlotte and Michael.

"Yeah!!" They both said

"Ok look up at this screen and you'll see a little baby body figure and then we'll tell you if your going to have a baby sister, or brother!" My doctor said.

My doctor put the gel on my belly and put the thing on it and started moving around.

"Hey guys if you look right their you can see a little baby head and baby body shape" Charlie said pointing at the screen.

They twins didn't even say anything their faces were like omfg that's in moms belly?

"Alright Mrs. Puth you ready to find out the gender of your baby?" My doctor asked.

"Yes I am!" I said and Charlie grabbed my hand.

"Alrighty! Looks like your going to be having...." She said and moved the thing around more to make sure she was correct on the gender before she told me then end up being wrong.

"Your going to be having another.....boy!" The doctor said as I looked at the screen.

"Guys! Your going to have a baby brother!!" I told them.

"Yayyy!!!!" They both said at the same time.

"Looks like we're gonna have another Charlie running around the house" I said as I looked at Charlie and smiled and he gave me a kiss on the lips.

"Congrats Mr. & Mrs. Puth, I'm going to print out your ultra sound pictures then I'll clean off your belly then we can plan your next appt." my doctor said as she was printing off my ultra sound pictures, then cleaned off my belly.


After we left my doctors appt. we went to go get some lunch. And of course we went to In-N-Out Burger cause 1. It's so freaking good, and it's Charlotte and Michael's favorite place to eat.

We ran into a few fans here and there but I love running into fans and lots of them said they absolutely LOVE my new album Thank You.

We got some pictures with the fans and all that then went off to eat lunch.


As the day went on we walked around downtown LA and ran into fans and all that which I enjoy.  The only thing was I was getting super tired cause my feet are super swollen and my back hurts.

So after awhile of shopping and all that we walked back to Charlie's car and headed home.


As we were heading home Charlie and I ordered a pizza so by the time we get home it would be there.

And as we got home I went to go get changed into pajamas and got Michael and Charlotte changed too.

Then the pizza got here we all ate and headed to bed.


Hey guys! Haven't updated in like a week or soo....not as long but still sorry if you were waiting for an update!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! And the end of the book is getting close! But don't worry I'm gonna start a new book and just going start right back up from where we left off from the end!

But anyways if you liked it, don't forget to vote/comment!!!


Mr. and Mrs. Puth (Meghan Trainor and Charlie Puth - Marlie)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon